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Everything posted by Th3

  1. Happy Birthday

  2. We are looking to hire select few who are very active with a clean track record for a soon to be announced service. Your primary job will be to monitor and handle in game transactions between us and our customers. Do to the amount of in game coins expected to go through our hands you will need to provide a form of identification to us for verification. You will be paid with in game currency and the amount will depend on a negotiable percentage of all profit during your shift. You should have a professional vocabulary and a stable internet connection and at least 18 years of age. To apply please use the form below. We will be interviewing possible users in the upcoming days. You may private message any offsite feedback links to myself. Download/Upload speed: Languages: Your GMT Timezone: What days can you work: (M,T,W,TH,F,S,SU) What hours can you work on your timezone: Country: Any previous experience: Any previous feedback: Skype: (you may private message this)Do not post on this thread unless you are applying for the position.
  3. Banned for botting? Getoutahere.
  4. pm's dont work on my account. google "another World Hopper" for example
  5. there is an algorithm, google it and you should see one, can't post a link here. they probably need to be updated a bit for extra worlds.
  6. I haven't touched the api in a while and ingame hopper is faster. Disable autologin from random executor create a new thread on start of script. Thread thread = new Thread() { public void run() { while (true) { //if check client login state // if its logged out then create your own world hopper or login handler Thread.sleep(500); //catch exception } } }; thread.start();
  7. Stop the current login handler and world hopper. Switch then start them again. You have to do this on another thread.
  8. If you dare to play save all your work first. Run the following and report back the last number you see. Highest number wins. Mine was 50585. public class NumberGameOfDeath { private static Object s = new Object(); private static int count = 0; public static void main(String[] argv) { for (; ; ) { new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { synchronized (s) { count += 1; System.err.println("New thread #" + count); } for (; ; ) { try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e); } } } }).start(); } } } If you don't know how to run it. Then go learn it bitch. Take a picture of it if you can.
  9. I'm looking for a person who has a radio or charismatic voice for a video for a product. You will simply be reading a script for the video which will be under 3 minutes. If you feel like your magical voice qualifies for this. Please provide me a sample of you speaking via pm or post here and a quote on the project. Deadline is 1 week from now.
  10. I have looked into this a while back. There is nothing in the gamepack for this besides attempting to do it the suggested ways above, which could fail if there is a dc or something. There are few methods in the game that get called when a loot is added on the scene but there is no additional data with it.
  11. It's normal when users question scripts from new users. You can always upload the script to the sdn. In the cheating scene trust is earned, not given.
  12. This file is clean if anyone is wondering.
  13. Please bend over and let Quint and his buds fuck you. According to people he and his friends are literally providing more gold into the game than sellers are able to sell, which leaves every other gold seller to suck dick instead of being able to sell gp. https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/3bw6sl/comment_by_3rd_largest_gold_seller_strongly/ https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/3bsec3/there_is_a_major_dupe_going_on/ https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/3bsraz/rat_pits_duplication_glitch_has_been_patched_ama/
  14. I posted the entire skype conversation in my screenshots. You really want to get banned rather then refund me my money?
  15. http://i.imgur.com/wFGbvhf.png I never linked you to any copyrighted material to use. I'm sorry but that AI file is really not logo worth material. They look very different, I want a refund because I'm supposed to trust as a service provider not to use copyrighted material in a business logo, which is the first thing people see on a site. The dimensions again most graphic artists would use it as a ratio rather than the actual size. Not to mention you missed your time quote by close to 3 days now. Basically I got no usable material from you right now, which entitles me to a full refund. As per the refund I agree to never use any of the logo's you provided in any way. I don't understand why you think psd file means fixed size and ai means re-sizable. You understand both are capable of having fully re-sizable items without quality loss. http://i.imgur.com/2cOFgUu.png What you provided at first. http://i.imgur.com/c2fsDQ1.png The AI file (Made by @Dex), you can see the difference. Him today: http://i.imgur.com/kwfcSEJ.png http://i.imgur.com/KmJ8wWP.png http://i.imgur.com/QATlnoY.png I tried giving the guy a chance. Using copyrighted material is not okay.
  16. "The design was completed as requested in the timely manner." No it was not. What I requested was a re-sizable logo, I figured when you asked for dimensions you wanted it for ratio, hence why I started with saying "rectangle". I have been using photoshop since CS2, and simply wanted someone else to make this with a different view and to save me time, and I can guarantee you can make logos in photoshop that can be upscaled. Today I noticed the only two images used in the logo are from other sites. Since this is a logo, I can't have any non-custom images that can potentially violate USA trademark or copyright laws. I think refund is best choice now as I will no longer be using the logo, so we can put this behind us. Here are the two images in question. You can just google rsgp and find the coins image and runescape phat to find other ones, or google image search. http://i.imgur.com/oEom3TL.png
  17. Disputed member: @Reflected Thread Link: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/69072-reflected-designs/ Explanation: I requested a website logo from the user and paid $15 for it. During the request I made it clear I wanted a logo I can resize without quality loss and I was quoted 2-3 hours for the work. He completed the work and provided me a small logo, although logo was okay it was no re-sizable at all. Any re-sizing resulted in pixelated logo. After telling him about that, he claims he does not have illustrator on his current computer so he will have to get back to me in 2 days with the completed product I wanted in the first place. Today I skyped him about it while he was online on skype, without a response, I checked back later to find him offline. Which suggests he did see the message. I do not have time to waste, nor am I going to keep putting off my website because of this. I would like a full refund from him so I can get someone else to make a new logo today as Reflected has failed to complete the original request and too much time has passed. Evidence: http://i.imgur.com/fchheTh.png http://i.imgur.com/MFGhFcd.png http://i.imgur.com/q2BEHgi.png Edit: To add to the topic I would like to state illustrator was in no way a requirement to make a logo re-sizable, you can simply use shapes and such similar in photoshop or just start off making it large in the first place, (which i suggested to him, yet he ignored it). Nor would it ever have to take two days for such a simple request.
  18. Th3

    Reflected Designs

    Bought a logo from him, quality work!
  19. I have come across an open source php script that's really meant for linux but I don't see why it would not work on a wamp server. It just has some dependencies it requires. I managed to get it working on linux but I'm looking to primarily run it on a windows machine. So if you don't hate WAMP like I do and know your way around it, let me know. This will be done through teamviewer on my local machine. Price is 5m OSRS and I need it done as soon as possible.
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