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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Varc

  1. Varc

    How to win at eBay

    Awesome stuff dude!
  2. 10M bid on second account.
  3. Get your range to like 80+ would be my first suggestion
  4. First of all awesome account dude! I personally would go 31 pray max, going for the generic 43 pray account can be a bit boring at times + you will be a couple of cb levels lower than people with the same stats but 43 pray! Make sure you keep us updated please
  5. Varc


    Hi, hope you enjoy your stay! Drop me a PM or join the Chat Box if you need anything
  6. Looks good buddy, dat orange goes with the ava real nice! Prefer TheWiseWolf to TheSunKing as you are a very wise soul!
  7. Varc


    Byeeee take care
  8. Sorry to hear you will be leaving the team, wish you all the best in your future endeavors
  9. Varc

    Moving On

    Dude i remember when you first came into the chat box and had no idea what was going on! You picked everything up so fast and i'm very glad we crossed paths, i hope you really consider sticking around. I would like to keep in touch and see how you are getting on if you don't decide to stay so make sure you PM me your Skype! Take care bro
  10. Not used mirror mode in a while but ran vfighterAIO for around 18 and a half hours in f2p and got some nice gains! Glad to see you are doing also.
  11. Sorry to hear about this dude, i hope you stick around for the community. Maybe just a break from botting will be good and you can plan out how you are going to bounce back from the bans
  12. You have no power here peasant!
  13. Varc

    Time to leave

    Cheerio i guess!
  14. @Czar + @Pain + @Jamez (If Jamez can stay out of TWC for longer than a week of course )
  15. Why buy a watch just check your phone for the time. Never understood the appeal of watches i'd probably only wear a Rolex to get allllllllllllll da gurls
  16. Ahh sweet dude, didn't realise there was a way around it, thanks
  17. Some serious progress which in my opinion could not be done without using Mirror! Were the accounts perm banned?
  18. Hi you are missing a few things here, please could you follow this format and post it as a new thread and i shall approve the new one for you, thanks! 1. Pictures of the account stats 2. Pictures of the login details 3. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any) 4. Pictures of the quests completed 5. The price you will be starting bids at 6. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account 7. The methods of payment you are accepting 8. Your trading conditions 9. Account status 10. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address
  19. You seem to of watched all the awesome ones, American Horror Story is pretty decent for the first few series
  20. 2.5M tops considering it has 13 days of membership left. Without the membership you are looking at 1-1.5M imo.
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