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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Varc

  1. Thanks for reposting! From reviewing the evidence it is quite clear the Skype's match and @EliteKiller has received the payment for the account; as he confirms so in the Skype logs and you have shown us proof you have sent the payment. If he cannot confirm here he has given you access to the account within the remaining 23 hours then he will need to refund you. Failure to do so will result in him being permanently banned.
  2. My mistake, for some reason i just saw a singular screenshot, and posted that for evidence for staff to see. If you wouldn't mind reposting that would be great, apologies on my behalf for that.
  3. Will be 3 goals or over and i think a Madrid win, both teams are very attacking which is why i can see a few goals, would like to say 2-1 Madrid if i had to call it.
  4. Sorry i think you misunderstood, there is no post from you on the thread as you need 100 posts to post in the account section. I have seen on the thread @EliteKiller posted his Skype, i just need a screenshot from you next to the Skype conversation if possible of 'View Profile' so we can match it to the one posted on the thread. This is so we can determine it is indeed him.
  5. Sorry to hear about the trouble you are having. I have alerted @EliteKiller of the dispute and placed him in the TWC usergroup. He has 24 hours to respond or he will be banned. The account thread in question was still open so if indeed this is a scam i have hidden it so only staff can see to prevent a double scam occurring. I have hidden the picture evidence you posted as there is some sensitive information, could you please provide us with a screenshot of his 'view profile' on Skype along with any further screenshots which can assist us to investigate this further. I understand you are at work at the moment so when you get time that would be great. Thanks, Varc.
  6. I used to ask girls out on MSN all the time, if they said no i would say it was my friend or brother. I wasn't owning up to getting rejected my street cred would go down the drain
  7. The devs are working on it - http://osbot.org/forum/topic/71785-script-loader/ Feel free to riot @Pain can quite easily turn into Pain
  8. Our developers are working on the issue, for more info please refer to this topic - http://osbot.org/forum/topic/71785-script-loader/
  9. ^^ Please read here as @Kyle linked. Our developers are addressing the issue, please be patient
  10. Skype's do indeed match as i found one of his posts here where he states this indeed is his Skype. Thanks for the report, user has been banned. We don't like scammers here
  11. How is this even a discussion. Do you know how many hours not only go into making a script but maintaining it constantly after updates and so on? Whilst people are constantly posting on your threads saying 'ITZ BROKEN REFUND PLS' scripters work hard and get little in comparison to what you do/should from using the script. At the end of the day not many people will write and maintain scripts for free, it is a source of income to some people. If you want free scripts spend your free time writing your own then see if you want to release them for free, I'd bet a lot of money that you wouldn't.
  12. I have gone ahead and banned @mustafa66 as he has been online and made aware of the dispute and was online for a lengthy period of time 8 hours ago and still failed to reply, he can appeal the ban but i fear this is a scam quit and don't want anybody else falling victim to a scam. I am sorry for what looks like your loss.
  13. As you wish @Kami i shall lock the thread until this is resolved. OK as @xwhip2agsx has already completed the remaining quests and seems to be OK with just receiving the refund, 48 hours seems like a fair timeframe, if you could both confirm here preferably with screenshots when the refund is complete so i can close the thread that would be great. I thank you both for your co-operation and speedy replies. I will see you both 48 hours from now. Thanks, Varc.
  14. From what i calculate 17 quests out of 23 is around 75%. Meaning 75% of the order was complete. @Kami + @shai have agreed to refund the full 15.4M. Also i think it would be fair if the offer is on the table from the service to complete the remaining orders if @xwhip2agsx wishes. I am sorry that the Zerker was ruined but the account can still be used or turned into a different build if need be; and you will be receiving the quests which were completed for free in essence. From my perspective this is a reasonably fair outcome for both parties. If both parties agree to this we can then set a timeframe for the refund. Thanks, Varc.
  15. Best advice i can give: People won't share their methods with you. Try as many different ones out as you can, once you find a good one tell NOBODY. All about trial and error my friend, good luck
  16. Ok from looking at the evidence @shai has provided i can see you did say that you did not want your defence leveling. However, the list was there for you to look at and if you are expecting me to hold the service themselves not to make mistakes then it is only fair the same is done with you. The quests are there in front of you to see you should also of checked them for yourself. I understand you were looking for a Zerker build and did not want the defence to surpass 45. But you cannot expect a15.4M along with a 18M refund from what appears to be an honest mistake considering that batch of quests was completed prior to this order . How many of the quests were completed on the second service? If both parties could confirm that here that would be great.
  17. Ok we will wait on the screenshots from @shai thank you for the quick response. Also if you could provide a screenshot of the quest list you presented prior to the second order along with confirmation from the user that would be a big help. There is no real argument for an entitlement to a full refund of the 18M AND the 15.4M. An Example: if the order was completed by 2 different services the people who completed the first service would not be liable for the second services mistake. So, even though it is the same service the orders are separate. I will wait for the screenshots from @shai to determine what the agreement actually was and how much of the second order was complete.
  18. I have alerted @Kami as he is the owner of the service he is responsible for his workers. He has 24 hours to respond and will be placed in the TWC usergroup as precautionary measure. Also i would like @shai to post as i think that would be of some help. I have spoken with @Kami on Skype and he confirms he is aware and told you to open the dispute meaning a Skype profile screenshot is not necessary. Just to be clear, there were 2 orders correct and the first 1 was completed which was 18M? and the 15.4M order is the refund which is being debated? Also what percentage of the second order was completed? Saying you think there are no mistakes made in services is something i disagree with you on completely. We are all human even the best of us make mistakes.
  19. I am English and have done my best using the google translator to try and get a scope of what has gone on here. I have translated from the 4th to last screenshot to the final one; as this is where it seems an agreement was came to on price along with when the actual meeting takes place so i will post here what i have translated it to. (I apologise in advance for how messy this is but it is an easy way to see translation next to the relevant screenshot) 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - Are there any more chat logs after the final one? As we could 100% confirm that indeed he did take the gold whilst failing to give you the account details, if you could post a screenshot of after the final screenshot you provided that would be great. Thanks, Varc.
  20. The user has been notified of the dispute. The buying and selling of accounts with under 100 posts is not allowed as things like this can happen, i and the rest of the staff have said this many times, it is for members own protection as some people feel they can exploit newer members. Regardless i am assuming this is the thread you are speaking about - http://osbot.org/forum/topic/71644-s-this-awesome-pure-cb-67-s/ I see that the thread is still open so i am going to go ahead and lock the thread to protect other users in case this is indeed a scam attempt. The user has also been moved to the TWC usergroup as a precautionary measure. Please as @Dex said provide us with a picture of the Skype ID along with anything else that can assist us in resolving this, thanks.
  21. Very impressive man, are you going to carry on botting and go for higher levels or just play legit from here on out?
  22. Gl with this, keep us updated ^_^
  23. Varc


    You cannot try and bypass selling an account you need 100 posts, you have been warned in the chat box several times you will be receiving warning points for this.
  24. Yes i don't know why they are that high tbh, is the game at Barca or Bayern? I'm assuming they are that high as Barca are at home.
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