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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Varc

  1. Good luck with this buddy, some nice progress so far! Make sure you keep us updated
  2. Varc

    Hey Guys.

    Hi there, welcome hit me or another one of the staff up if you need anything! Hope you enjoy your stay with us ^_^
  3. I lol'd so hard at the vine of this
  4. Varc


    Hi there, hope you enjoy your stay with us! PM me if you need any assistance ^_^
  5. There is a lot of variables, depends what script you are using, what you are botting, the age of the account, F2P/P2P. I would say however if you are botting for 24 hours on a fresh F2P account it won't last very long, taking good breaks is something you should bare in mind (You can read about setting those up here - http://osbot.org/forum/topic/57431-explaining-break-settings/ ). I would advise you have a read about our mirror mode which has reduced ban rates significantly ( http://osbot.org/forum/topic/66338-reducing-banning-rates-behind-the-scenes-at-osbot-27-febuary-2015/ ) Hope this helps
  6. I have alerted the user they have 24 hours to respond. He has been moved to the TWC usergroup as a precautionary measure. I have a few questions. 1 - Was @gebotter the original owner of the account in question? (Could you link us to the thread he posted selling the account) 2 - Can you provide some actual proof to us that the account has indeed been hacked and you are no longer in possession of it. 3 - When you say about the chat history could you give us a date these conversations occurred so one of us can have a look over the chat logs to see what was discussed between you both. 4 - You say there was around 10M of wealth on the account when you were hacked, would you be able to provide some proof of that? Otherwise it is just a claim. I can see how some of @gebotter comments could raise some eyebrows, i would like for him to post and see what he has to say about the situation. Could you right click 'view profile' and take a screenshot of his Skype as well. Please include any further evidence you have as this will help i and the rest of the staff to get a scope on the situation. Thanks.
  7. I voted @Oliver he is always eager with new idea's and i think that is a really good trate to have. All of the other staff do a great job and a lot of that people don't see! Except for @Varc of course
  8. Has to be your favourite 1 buddy, sorry :p
  9. I'm English this is what we define as Athletics
  10. Does that not come under athletics?
  11. Good luck with this dude make sure to keep us updated, will be interesting to see how you get on!
  12. Upping my bid to 20M 07.
  13. I haven't personally but you can be banned for it as far as i am aware as it is a form of macroing.
  14. The Americans have awoken, time to see which football will be victorious
  15. We are done Frost, never heard of a sport called 'Soccer'
  16. We all know the American's ain't into their Football as much as others! Could be a close one :p
  17. I've listed all the most popular ones i can think of. VOTE.
  18. Varc

    newbie here

    Welcome, hope you enjoy your stay with us PM me if you have any queries ^_^
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