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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Varc

  1. Good luck with this man, keep us updated
  2. First of all welcome back Our standard mode does still use client injection, however we have a new mode called 'mirror mode' which hooks onto the actual RuneScape client and does not use injection making it far less detectable by Jagex. This has significantly lowered the reported bans, it is still in BETA mode and can only be accessed by people VIP+ at the moment but its definitely worth reading about - http://osbot.org/forum/topic/66803-what-is-osbots-mirror-client/
  3. Nice progress so far mate only $480.00 to go ;)
  4. America the land of the free
  5. Mirror mode is not actually a VIP benefit if you look when you purchase VIP, it is just available to people who hold a rank of VIP and above. Remember we are in the BETA stages and bans were never guaranteed to be non existent. I definitely think you should try to not bot on accounts that are fresh off tutorial island in F2P in such highly populated bot spots. The ban rates have been significantly lower but it is pretty much impossible to make botting 100% unbannable with Jagex's current detection system, mirror client however is a huge step forward battling these bans.
  6. Good luck with this, keep us updated as much as you can please will be interesting to see who reaches the goal first ^_^
  7. Hi there, welcome! We currently have a new client version called the mirror client which is in BETA; we have had significantly lower reports of bans, you might want to check it out! Have a read about it here - http://osbot.org/forum/topic/66803-what-is-osbots-mirror-client/
  8. For the love of god make sure you put it in the right place
  9. Pretty obvious why you cannot say it. Don't act stupid and make a thread after it has already been explained to you in the chatbox. People find it offensive whether you do or not is irrelevant. The rules are there for the masses and not made to fit your personal opnions.
  10. Feel free to drop me a PM when you have made the thread and i will approve it for you ^_^
  11. It would probably be easier for you to make a new thread as the only account's stats you have posted is one that you have already sold.
  12. Happy 2 year birthday Scotty
  13. Multiple accounts are not allowed as this bypasses purchasing VIP to run multiple bots. Also account sharing isn't allowed. PM me which other accounts you have or you have given to friends so i can ban them. Otherwise i will run an IP check and do it myself.
  14. This is a very interesting theory and with what you have shown it may well be a probability. I think this could be one of many ways in which Jagex is catching us out. As Molly said people are more interested in efficiency instead of safety which means people want to purchase scripts with maximum xp/profit per hour. There was a hunch about client injection and with the introduction of mirror mode it seems that theory of detection was correct and ban rates have gone down significantly. Hopefully we will be able to carry on tackling these theories and further getting the upper hand!
  15. Varc

    Sausage !

    I love these lmao
  16. Good luck with this dude, hope you succeed would be a great achievement!
  17. Please follow the guidelines and provide screenshots, they are there so people can see what they are getting with the account and to prevent people just posting a picture of some stats and nothing else. I am closing this thread feel free to make a new one following the guidelines.
  18. Very nice + with that script they are running you will be in for some nice profit!
  19. Welcome back, i hope you can pass on your knowledge to others while you revisit ^_^
  20. You can do this yourself, please follow this guide - http://osbot.org/forum/topic/41641-how-to-cancel-automatic-renewals/
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