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Everything posted by Botre

  1. Hahahahahahaha sucks to be you
  2. You're probably fat though
  3. Many people on this site use what you call server-oriented operating systems on their VPS. Another case: CentOS uses OpenJDK which supports JFX but doesn't bundle it by default, this means he would have to ask those users to to install another JDK (if their VPS provider allows this at all) or somehow install the runtimes manually. If he wants to release his script publicly he should seriously reconsider the idea of JFX, if not then ofcourse none of what I said is really relevant :p
  4. It's simply not supported by every JVM implementation, if a context (up to the OS scope) forces you to use a JVM that doesn't provide / isn't compatible with JFX runtimes, you're fucked. Arch, Bodhi, Gentoo, Slackware are some I remember causing troubles (maybe some of them support it now), I'm sure there are plenty of others. On top of this, part of the JavaFX architecture relies on OpenGL, not all operating systems have available drivers for this (I've heard horror stories about companies having to write their own... ew). Honestly, writing desktop clients in Java is very much a thing of the past.
  5. Don't. Some Linux systems s don't support JavaFX at all.
  6. Botre

    3D Paint

  7. If you use Coinbase to buy BTC to evade taxes, you're fucking retarded. This won't hurt bitcoin whatsoever though. The IRS can attack as many entry points as they want, they have 0 control over the blockchain
  8. Botre

    2 days o.o

    I wish you and your husband all the best.
  9. enjoy the scripting lyphe
  10. Because tyranny of the minority is better than tyranny of the majority? If the political contrast is really that big between major and minor population hubs, then why share a political leader at all (seems like, no matter the outcome, one side is going to end up unsatisfied every single time)?
  11. Left libertarian but pretty close to the center on both axes.
  12. You do realize anyone can create a fake craigslist add right?
  13. Why are you worried about peaceful protesting that, according to you, won't result into anything?
  14. Botre


    gg on 10k you fucking nerd
  15. If you want your script logic to be driven by an observer-like pattern, your main challenge will not be the implementation of threading but rather the prioritization of the event-handling. Also, using such patterns only make sense if the event you're listening for needs to be processed by multiple handlers, imo this is rarely the case in RS scripting. If your code is hogging too much CPU there are other solutions: - Write more efficient code. - Call your bottleneck code less frequently. The latter can be achieved by using multi threading, but there are much simpler and elegant ways to go about it. If you want specific tips/examples on how to improve your performance, I will gladly help out but I'm going to need some code / context first ^^ Cheers.
  16. Programming against an outdated API, you're asking for trouble :p
  17. Could overflow for other reasons.
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