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Everything posted by Botre

  1. Why is everyone insisting on using PHP? What stops you from using HTTP requests with any other server-stack that isn't aids-riddled?
  2. You're not comparing rates, you're posting banned greynames as to pretend you're proving a fake point. Oh, House was an SDN scripter a couple of years ago btw, the other guy I'm not sure. So... But somehow we're not talking about code quality anymore aren't we? I sincerely hope your code sucks less than your point-making :')
  3. So according to you, the definition of a good scripter is one whose code was once briefly glanced upon by Alek? Just... stop.
  4. Stop pulling percentages out of your ass. How is putting a script on the SDN proof of skill anyways? Alek's SDN acceptance criteria is extremely low. So... you think you're somehow qualified to judge whether people "know what they're doing", how about you share some source code of yours right now? Or should we just trust you based on your silly pip ? :')
  5. This. Some of the very best programmers on this site, including myself, don't have scripter ranks because the SDN isn't worthy of our talent. Code cucks.
  6. Botre

    Java int help

    Just... wrap it in an object. public class MutableInteger { private int value; public int getValue() { return value; } public void setValue(int value) { this.value = value; } }
  7. How many OSBot users did you have to give up in exchange ?
  8. Hi, http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/guides/security/crypto/CryptoSpec.html Whatever you do, please don't waste time trying to write your own crypto functions.
  9. Any substantial change would probably warrant a feedback reset so... not going to happen.
  10. So.. What's the actual problem? You being annoyed by a random tag or you being jealous of someone else getting free advertising? Either way, could you stop being so whinny? It's really annoying. @RoomScape
  11. Higher payout Less frequent payouts VIP sale commisions More (in terms of quantity & diversity) scripter ranks or other 'prestige' incentives Review market dynamics Reward scripter / script loyalty with benefits (increased visiblity, etc..) Events & competitions (don't underestimate fun as an incentive) Reduce toxicity in scripters community Better tooling (the current debugger, logger & remote debuggers are subpar) There's plenty of room for experimentation.
  12. Unless you provide the proper incentives. Which was kinda my point.
  13. There's very little incentive for scripters to stay. I guess cutting the middle man is one solution, but it doesn't sound very sustainable, have you (ever) actively tried to improve the loyalty / retention rate of scripters?
  14. Bitch pls https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minecraft
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