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Everything posted by Botre

  1. Nice, hope you learn something :)! Good luck with the venture ;)
  2. The 1% was a dramatisation but I have to admit that I'm very surprised the number is that high. Kinda makes me want to see the details of these percentages (geographic distribution, which types of project use which convention, etc..). All the big Java frameworks, libraries, open source projects I have ever visited, oh and the Java library itself do not newline, hence why I'm so surprised. Of-course most of my points become invalid without the data to back them up Cheers.
  3. You are sharing this snippet for other people to integrate it in their code. Most people don't newline. Therefore you are introducing inconsistencies in other people's code base by not respecting the dominant code-style. Code style always is a personal choice, that doesn't mean you shouldn't be pragmatic about it. You are the 1% in this case, don't expect the 99% to deviate from the convention just 'because of subjectivity'. I know, I know, I'm a pain in the ass. public class fuckConventions() { public fuckConventions() { // lower*burp*case constructor bro i dont give a fuuuuuuuuuuuck } public void UpperCaseMethodsBoy() { // hahahaha nope not a constructor just a regular method wubba lubba dub dub } }
  4. Please stop using the callable interface for things like this Callable is reserved for concurrent programming hence why it's in the java.util.concurrent package and not the java.util.function package. Want to get 'functional'? Use the java.util.function package (https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/function/package-summary.html). You more specifically probably should use a BooleanSupplier in this case. Oh and by the way, curly braces usually aren't newlined in Java (this isn't C# !!!), I recommend you drop this habit asap . 11/10 for effort in terms of documentation and overal cleanness of you code though :)!
  5. Any particular points of the MD spec you recommend adding to what I currently have? I agree that it's an interesting standard but I tend too really dislike working with most framework implementations of it. Also hate the fact that most implementations are a pain to customize so you end up with an app that looks like every other google application, meh. Thanks for pointing out the vertical alignement issue!
  6. Hello all, Spent the afternoon working on the frontend of a customer care portal for a product I'm building, your feedback would be most welcome. Yes it uses bootstrap, yes I'm totally jumping on the gradient bandwagon, no I'm not switching to wordpress ew. Inspiration: (Slack help center, I'm pretty sure it's served by Zendesk Guide but I ain't spending 600$/year if I can write it in 2 weeks)
  7. Botre


    - Acts cocky & tells everyone they should invest in ETH, they will thank him in a week because he's an investing genius and not a gambler at all - ETH crashes -20% - Lol short term thinkers
  8. *his Also the accent is dutch, definitely not french.
  9. Hi, Might be a good idea to put this in the docs. Also, since you probably can't hide this method from the public API, could be a good idea to return an error with a message containing what you just explained whenever the method is called 'inappropriately'. I remember this part of the API causing me so many headaches back in the day. Bye
  10. Feedback: - I see three verbs: 'sign in', 'register' & 'log in'. You only need two, one for each action / flow. - 'Forgot your password' indirectly blames the user and is not complete, what if the user forgot his username? 'Trouble logging in?' Is a personal favourite of mine. - Light pink placeholder text on a white background is a big no no for me. - Getting a user to register is a lot more difficult than convincing an existing user to log back in, yet in this piece both seem equally important, emphasise more valuable call-to-actions. On top of this, mobile apps keep you logged in most of the time so the space you give to the 'sign in' action really is wasted. - You are literally asking the user: 'Sign in or Register?', you should answer these questions for him (oh & flip the order, see comment above): "New user? Register. Existing user? Sign in." As is, you're not convincing me to press that register button. I takes more than a flashy shade of pink these days ; )
  11. Understand what you're buying / selling and why. Don't be seduced by numbers and trends without comprehending them.
  12. Making money betting blindly doesn't make you smart. I prefer creating value instead of making it up, that's all. Very few companies survived the dotcom bubble, I sincerely hope you don't end up losing your hard-earned runescape goldfarming retirement fund.
  13. I do know what Ethereum is kid. Ethereum as a decentralised distributed computing platform is awesome. Ether as a virtual currency is just another bubble. Do you even understand the difference between Ethereum & Ether? The EEA is nothing but a bunch of companies trying to jump on the blockchain bandwagon, they don't give a fuck about you made up little coins.
  14. Why can't you just admit that the only reason the vast majority of people are interested into these currencies is because they keep rising? Try to sell someone the concept of cryptocurrencies without mentioning their rising exchange rate, it's almost impossible. That card seems clever, I'll gave you that.
  15. Europe. Last time I checked you can't use it in 99% of the physical shops or on any of the big online stores. People are buying these coins to feed a bubble they think will make them rich, that's it.
  16. Gold shops are trying to GET RID of unstable fake currencies they can't use in the real world.
  17. Bubbles man. Bubbles.
  18. So what if the most meaningful day in your life was a simulation operating at minimum compl- *burp* -exity?
  19. Botre

    APA Rune Sudoku

    Loved reading this. Nice work, old friend.
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