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Everything posted by Botre

  1. Stop wasting your computer's resources, use an online render-farm service.
  2. This might inspire you http://osbot.org/forum/topic/93716-t13-introduction-to-simplog-lightweight-logging/
  3. Botre


    hi nice name
  4. Here is something a tad bit more clean and re-usable/generic import java.util.Random; public class EnumUtil { public static <T extends Enum<?>> T getRandomEnumValue(Class<T> clazz, Random random) { int constants = clazz.getEnumConstants().length; if(constants == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Enum class has no constants"); } return clazz.getEnumConstants()[random.nextInt(constants)]; } public static void main(String[] args) { Random random = new Random(); Tab tab = EnumUtil.getRandomEnumValue(Tab.class, random); } }
  5. So much overkill in your code x)
  6. I've never encountered anyone like this irl tbh...
  7. Red eyes are a bit of a trope... Other than that, super sexy
  8. The Hashtable class is obsolete. You're using a Hashtable without overriding the key class' hashCode() & equals() methods. You hardcoded your base case (if 4 == r). 3 ints and 2 object references per node. Memory. Redundant calls to table.contains(key) & table.get(key). The way you construct your TreeNode class is the opposite of elegant and intuitive. Your algo might not be O(n^2) but if your pseudo code looked anything like this Java implementation, I can't blame the TA for not giving you a perfect grade.
  9. Unfortunately I haven't mastered much of the domain-specific vocabulary that would allow me to express my subjective opinion in a way that would help your artistic progress. But I won't let that silence me nor turn me into a liar. shit *goes away* Just because someone is unable to express an opinion doesn't mean he's not entitled to it
  10. You can vote no but you're forced to pick a > 1 $ donation option at the same time. Nice try fucking scamming piece of shit. Oliver4TWC
  11. looooooooooool this is getting cray
  12. You're negative for calling most people negative. Fuck now I'm being negative about you. Rip.
  13. The new generation's in ; ) Enjoy the road young padawans!
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