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    shitposter extraordinaire and doing some below average services

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  1. Wisply

    Quests on Hcim

    I can put down a deposit with 3rd party, 3m for creature of fenekenstrein and 7m for Garden on tranquility
  2. Wisply

    Quests on Hcim

    Hey, I can do this for cheap. Add me on discord so I can come up with a more accurate price based on if you have the items already obtained and how many teleports you have unlocked
  3. To be safe probably don't connect, if you make a new email just for it and have a different password and don't log onto to anything bad then it should be 99.9% safe
  4. I believe there was a pricecheck couple of months ago where it was priced around 50m
  5. arent mith gloves like 16m or something
  6. Just wait 2weeks to 1 month if your paranoid and want to be 100% safe
  7. Idk I've thought about buying accs but really theres nothing stopping people from scamquitting, and it would feel so bad if you bought a 99fm iron account just for it to get recovered when if your say in the mid-end game
  8. https://osbot.org/forum/forum/334-private-scripts/
  9. if u get banned on osrs u get banned on rs3 and if you get banned on rs3 u get banned on osrs
  10. just use the big names and you should be fine
  11. there was this guy on yt u can probably find him he went to dollar stores and bought their food and tried it out. The best was was the chessburger in a can did 4 people just post at once lol
  12. why everytime you post the thread is 2+years old?
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