I know a lot of people say you can bot a lot longer on weekends than weekdays without bans, or less frequent bans, but my experience with this is different I can bot on weekdays 10+ hours per day with breaks no bans and hand training on weekends.
I tested weekends on an even older account that was mainly hand trained apart from some quests I botted months ago, and my first weekend bot session which probably added up to 10 hrs saturday-sunday (with breaks and not 10 hours per day 5hours each day spread out) I woke up on monday with a 2-day ban (with breaks) both accounts doing the same things, just 1 bots weekends other bots weekdays both.
Maybe my luck is just horrible but I feel like weekdays you can bot non-stop regularly until the weekend where you should hand train and wait till Monday to continue your botting,
Share your experiences below but this has been my observation over maybe 14months of botting.