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Everything posted by WhygADemo

  1. does this script buy supplies for u ?
  2. WhygADemo

    Stealth Quester

    hey i am about to do mm1 with this does this bot safe spot and what is the recommended setup for a mid level cmb ? (never played runescape like that)
  3. great script I literally only use ur scripts and project pacts aio hunter and mollys chaos druids, im sitting at like 60 magic rn doing alch teleport is this the safest method to hit 99 mage?
  4. hey i just noticed that also a lot of my accounts got unbanned randomly
  5. when trying to run this at hill giants with a safe spot and magic it switches between my magic tab and another tab when not attacking and when i set a safe spot it does not run back to the safe spot is there a tutorial on how to use this somewhere?
  6. hey what are the minimum stat requirements to run this
  7. sucks that when i got my trial for this the script was broken
  8. WhygADemo

    Stealth Quester

    rip cant do water fall quest on my 10 hp account
  9. WhygADemo

    Stealth Quester

    im running mirror mode
  10. WhygADemo

    Stealth Quester

    keeps dying doin water fall quest at lv 3 this use to work well now it just dies every time
  11. WhygADemo

    Stealth Quester

    For dragon slayer it always forgets items to collect the map piece from the jail and the map piece from the mine
  12. I dont think he updates this script
  13. Mirror mode 8 hours a day max with breaks = no bans for me and also no public scripts and make sure you test scripts with a trial on a throwaway account before you buy any
  14. he runs so far to reset aggro could u fix this please it does not need to run across the map to reset aggro ;( im guessing rip my account also could u add an option save settings, i hate configuring everything over and over again especially when im running multiple accounts
  15. I know but a lot of people were saying it could take months to learn how to script
  16. nevermind i just had to restart my client
  17. awesome script got me 1-50 with breaks hopefully i dont wake up with a ban tomorrow lol
  18. this doesn't work with mirror mode
  19. ik this but that was the first time ive gotten banned that quick lmao im gonna try again on mirror mode
  20. ty for trial both my accounts just got banned after using this for 20mins but ill test it out on 1 more
  21. just bought this will update on how it is doing
  22. could i have a trial please?
  23. could i have a trial please
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