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Everything posted by Space

  1. Can you provide the screenshots here as it’s relating directly to the dispute. Other staff members should they need to take over also need the information on-hand. Can we also confirm whether the excil has completed any work so far and whether or he/she has been paid for this?
  2. @Fratem@sjors Can you provide further reason and or proof as to why the user wont be refunded?
  3. @CrashIslandYou have 24 hours to respond and give your side of the story as well as provide proof that the payments were actually sent as well as explain why they weren't if not. You have been placed in DNT as well as TWC until this is resolved. Should you make no attempt to reply within 24 hours your account will be permanently banned.
  4. Which client are you using? Are you using the official osrs client? Try deleting OsBot from C:\Users\"Your User" as well as anything jagex related, restart your pc and try loding mirror again. Make sure you run the official runescape client and allow it to load completely before attempting to open a mirror client as well. Let us know if this helps or if you require further assistance
  5. You need Java 8 installed for it to work. If you have Java 8 installed I would also try running JarFix
  6. Export your script as a JAR file, put it in C:\users\.osbot\scripts, load the client, press refresh on the scripts and load your scripts. If you’ve done everything correctly it should be there and working
  7. But if you've botted a high intense skill like construction for 2 hours straight then went into slayer for 4 hours without optimal breaks isn't it a bit obvious you'll get banned? Which human, besides Lynx Titan can actually be as efficient as the playing habbit you've decided to take, no doubt as well previously, you wont have played this many hours or as efficient for multiple days in a row.. They do account profiling as far as I can tell
  8. I’m sure they would have to disclose with it being GDPR (data protection act) as to what information they hold on you if you request it. As such they in theory would need to disclose what files they have access to. At my workplace if someone requests information we have to go through all our certificates in which the consumer has requested for as well as banking details and any other information associated with said client. However I don’t know how far of an inquest it would go in terms of this.
  9. Don't give it to this scrub, he doesnt even have a regular sleep schedule
  10. Space


    @Get Taxed@Fratem @Dbuffed
  11. From what I’ve seen and read about it, seems to record and check the XP/boss kills through the highscores and makes assumptions based on that. Can’t really be expected to be very accurate if that’s the case even more so with the amount of downtime the highscores have. I’m going to assume it’s something a little more involved than that
  12. As @hidden arrowhas managed to recover his money by going through his bank/visa we can assume this dispute is now complete. In future I would like you to think twice before handing over a sum of money to someone online or consider using a middleman for extra security. If you do have any further issues please contact one of the staff team to assist you further but at this moment in time we can’t do anything further, the user has been banned and as you’re recovering your money and you’re not out of pocket other than an unpleasant experience, we can’t hold Khal responsible for that. As being ex-staff yourself, I know you’re well aware that it is your own responsibility to ensure you know what the rules are and that I’m here to ensure that they’re followed. Given the situation I hope you take something away from this at least and be wary of who you enter business with in future, even more so if they have had previous disputes against them, don’t just “keep a closer eye on them.” Actually take action and help safeguard our communities. I would recommend to you that you keep your discord server as a support channel to negate things like this happening in the future, regardless of his reasoning for doing it, you are still partially to blame for allowing the advertisements as well as being a prior business partner. I’m going to lock this topic and mark is as resolved as the following posts from both of you are just unnecessary to the initial dispute and getting off track. If anything changes or you feel you need the topic reopening, PM either myself, @Gunmanor @Maldesto
  13. Khal, he done this back in March on a much lesser scale, had you of intervened then, the likelihood is this wouldn’t have happened. It’s completely irrelevant whether the people are successfully charging back through PayPal. What about those who potentially done it through crypto? I sincerely suggest you drop your attitude and sarcasm because I won’t stand for it. I also suggest that you go back and read the rules as it also states that prime accounts aren’t for sale on osbot, your discord server, might I add is supposed to be for help for your scripts. Not some excuse for you to promote and allow people to pay for advertisements for prime accounts and or account selling & services. You allowed for people who don’t have an account or very rarely use osbot essentially providing a scam haven but due to the nature of what’s taken place, you’re liable for any damages since you allowed it to take place on your server. Again, I’ll reiterate the fact that your discord server which we have allowed you to promote is supposed to be for help in regards to your scripts, not this. This is the conclusion I have made and if you want to get a further opinion, contact @Maldesto
  14. You and Krr did have a partnership. We have evidence of this from the last dispute as well as the fact you reimbursed the user @CrashIslandthe money and quote "Will be watching him closer from now on" Regardless of whether you did or didn't have a partnership, you allowed this to happen through the use of your discord server and allowing the user to put ads on said server. Due to the circumstances you will be held partially accountable, you may also no longer advertise your discord server through osbot. The first time the user "scammed" you dealt with it, instead of cutting ties and safeguarding both your & osbot communities you decided to allow the user to continue opperations through your discord which makes no sense to me.
  15. Depending on the activity definitely. If you have 3 accounts all training agility on the same IP it would definitely look fishy considering you can only click one obstacle at a time
  16. providing the account name you're wanting isn't in use, it is possible. Submit your request here
  17. Delete osbot folder found roughly from memory C:/users/Osbot download the client again from https://osbot.org/mvc/get delete the existing jar that won’t update and try again with the new one downloaded from the forums. If this doesn’t work let us know so we can investigate further
  18. You botted a high ban rate skill.. if you want to do Hunter don’t do the normal methods of catching salamanders/Chins etc do birdhouses. A lot lower of chance of a ban
  19. Looking for a price check for this account, Wont be supplying the email as it's a personal email for other things but the email can be changed for the account in terms of recovery anyway. The account has minimal value remaining ~3m, mostly from untradeables. Has the ability to easily access 2k total worlds should you decide to get defence up or even become a beast of a PK build should you decide to go down the route of completing quests making it into a Zerker. Notable things: Farming pet - Insured All skilling outfits with the exception of the angler/graceful recolours, Construction & Farming outfits. Gem, Coal & Expert Mining gloves. PoH has the pool up to stamina restore, Spirit tree (as well as spirit tree's throughout the game) ~21m NMZ Points for all imbues needed. Membership remaning as of today (10-05-2021) - 266 days, Purchased Premier Club - Gold and it's completely going to waste. Will be selling most likely. I don't have time to play the game any more unfortunately with starting a family and work being very demanding. Typically log in to log back out due to being bored and burnt out. I enjoy the early level grind a lot more than the late/end game. See the Imgur link for photos surrounding the account: https://imgur.com/a/GXmcHW8
  20. The other benefit of buying lifetime Sponsor means you don’t have to pay again for VIP so if you’re an active botter who is likely to purchase VIP every month it’ll be more cost effective to buy lifetime sponsor
  21. You do it through the settings tab iirc
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