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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. This is definitely the wrong section... But hey, add me on Skype - live:roomscape or PM me your epic name/PSN name and let's play. I prefer duos but don't mind squads I guess.
  2. Why are you making so many different threads about the same thing? And whoever scammed you, file a scam report. Should be pretty simple unless you’re lying and using that as a reason to get people to go first.
  3. No one actually lost money from this. I get it's the intention that matters and he tried to scam a user. Him failing in the scam doesn't make it any better, but shit happens. I don't know you really so I don't care what you do, just thought to say this. Forgive, but don't forget. It's one of the quotes that I really like. Forgive people for their stupidity as shit happens but just don't forget what they did. If he tries to trade you make sure that you don't take PayPal from him and that the funds are guaranteed. People deserve second changes so long as everyone remembers what they did to begin with because everyone is capable of anything.
  4. 120 fb and trying to scam quit? rip.

  5. You just had a $126 code and now you have a $166 code. They’re not generic amounts you’d get from presents so it’s a specific amount for some reason. How are you coming across these codes? You being a literal brand new account doesn’t help either.
  6. The addition of RPGs is by far the most entertaining. Imagine how much do you’ll get opposed to using a bow and arrow!
  7. It’s a lot simpler and quicker to do things on pc opposed to console, but I’ve outbuildings and shitted on a couple of pc players.
  8. https://osbot.org/forum/forum/122-middlemen/ There’s a middleman section. No, that definitely doesn’t mean your trusted. It just means you gave away $250 of your money to osbot.
  9. There are some really messed up people in this thread.
  10. Talking with you two at the moment.
  11. You bought it over a year ago and never renewed it so it expired. Im a good wannabe mod. Give me mod.
  12. I saw the thumbnail and decided to leave it alone, thank god.
  13. Is it really that great? I see a number of people saying that. I think it’s more of the person than the system.
  14. Console has optional aim assist.
  15. I'm about to hop on if you guys want to run. Let me know. Sucks I can't run with @Chuckle. Rip.
  16. You act like you're any good.
  17. It took me less than five minutes to think of, get the screenshot and write this up. I'm sure it'll take you much less to read providing you have an above grade school reading level. I didn't write an essay or book. If you're in such a rush then you should probably just read it when you have some free time later tonight or whenever else.
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