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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. Oh? Is that what happened now? https://prnt.sc/j9rjcu https://prnt.sc/j9rjel https://prnt.sc/j9rjiv
  2. Guys, PM me or Skype me so we can add each other.
  3. Yeah, it's fun doing it legit. Also not worth the risk of getting your entire account banned either.
  4. Was never really into pvp to be honest. Mostly a killing but I don’t mind pvm. Nostalgia. I’m f2p and 70cb. I can get Mel but my cb is low at the moment. Sure man, let’s play! You skill at all or only cb?
  5. I'd rather stick to 07. I'm already starting over since a user on here got my main banned so not trying to start over a third time...Plus being able to trade and stuff is a big help that I'd rather not go without.
  6. Isn't that what RDM just said without a bank? And then if you die you have to play regular without bank but then not trading people? How do people even level up without a bank...
  7. Bruh, this is 1.5 years old..
  8. No, but I'm guessing it's worse and all due to the extra letters.
  9. See man, I don't think I'd be doing all that. That sounds like straight up torture. Why would anyone want that... Seriously? like wtf. Why?
  10. No idea what a UIM is but ok. Is ironman completely separate from 07?
  11. May get into RS again, here and there. Looking to see if others play to play together as it's boring solo. Currently F2P but may get mem, who knows. edit: pm me or add my skype so we can play together.
  12. Why can I reply to this thread even though it has been archived?
  13. Seriously, there are thirteen pages worth of suggestions that are literally being ignored. I suggest that staff spend more time on suggestions.
  14. Though it’s nice, it’s pretty straightforward if you actually read the rules. Secondly, the gold section is pretty obvious and easy to find. Nonetheless, it’s still nice to see someone admit they don’t know something rather than just go out and do everything wrong.
  15. I asked about this and was told it’s gone and my thread got insta locked so I don’t know.
  16. I think he has bigger issues than that... @mooolah there’s no way to bypass it. If it is stolen then you can’t get into it. If it is a friends phone and they forgot it then have them change the password. If they don’t have access to that email then the phone is basically bricked. Why would you buy a phone that’s iCloud locked? Did you literally get it turned off or is it stolen or what...?
  17. Bro why are you TWC?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RoomScape



      apply for mod and it’ll be removed and you’ll be mod. Win win?

    3. daweed


      will it ?:D

    4. RoomScape


      Happened to past ones so why not?

  18. It is, bu it's on a case by case as far as I know. People have been permanent banned and have written a bunch of different excuses and reasons across a bunch of different times. Some people appeal immediately and get unbanned while others have to wait a few years before they get unbanned. Some have written that they're sorry and they were a kid and apologized and had their accounts banned while others said they were hacked and other stuff and got unbanned. Of course, there are a ton of other cases where the appeals were denied, so don't get your hopes up.
  19. Are you on Skype?

  20. Am I missing something or did the search part just get removed completely?
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