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$100.00 Donor
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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. I know. That’s how they all work, regardless of what they say.
  2. Glad to see some old dude in here that knows about that lmfao. I was thinking the exact same thing.
  3. I can already see this happening and chuckle try to pay his taxes with RSGP.
  4. Nice stuff, man. Should consider expanding to neighboring countries and also the US. There are a ton of fat women here and they shop online a lot. As long as you work out the logistics it shouldn’t be an issue, otherwise just do local to your area and neighboring counties. Shouldn’t be a huge issue.
  5. Hmm, maybe but I don’t want to just blindly do it and lose money either. There’s a bunch of sites. Poloniex hitbtc bittrex just google it. They’re called an exchange.
  6. If I knew about this coin earlier I’d have a few million right now... Rip.
  7. +1 to you for actually stating that you can send him a referral link so you can make money. Most people act stupid about it and just say this is a link to sign up when it's obviously a referral link.
  8. Can buy another coin if you have, depending on the coin. Will pay 100%. Not going first. Can pay however you like. Live:roomscape
  9. I talk to a lot of no one’s, then.
  10. Lmfao. Like I said, I like your humor.
  11. I like your humor. If if it wasn’t sarcasm then f this.
  12. wtf why did I click on this...
  13. Don't you dare tell me what I should get used to.
  14. This is so accurate it's crazy. People are so sensitive about every little thing that is said.
  15. "most Christians celebrate December 25 as the birthday of Jesus Christ " Though you don't know or choose not to, that's the reason for Christmas and that's why it's named after Jesus Christ.
  16. With the ever greens and the thing of wishing someone good life in the new year? Interesting.
  17. You know, christmas isn't actually Jesus Christ's birthday and actually started around 1500's or so in Germany and got big when Queen Elizabeth adopted the tradition. Back then, it was just to wish people good life in the new years. Now, it's turned into a major retail holiday and the celebration of Jesus Christ's birthday (but more so of the retail shopping).
  18. Just because you asked a stupid question and I gave you a proper answer doesn't mean you got on my nerves. How come every time someone gives an actual answer to a stupid question they are being told to calm down or something similar? I don't even know you so you can't get on my nerves. I just gave you an answer to a question that I see too many times and it's getting annoying to read. Also, I don't celebrate Christmas. You probably shouldn't go around assuming everyone does, either.
  19. Why do people always talk about discounts on a got damn donation. It's a donation, not a paid rank or anything. Sponsor is a paid rank. Donor is a rank you get for donating. If you can't donate that then just leave it be. $250 donor is for people who donated $250 to the site, not for people who try to donate less but want the same $250 donor rank as everyone else that actually donated $250.
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