This is pretty important information regarding Skype so please no spamming or trolling.
With Skype, you can have one of two main usernames. A regular username and a live username.
Regular username - roomscape.pb
live username - live:roomscape
With a regular username, you create a Skype account and create a username then link an email to your account. Pretty simple stuff and straightforward as this is how the majority of sites generate accounts for users. With the live username, however, you create your Skype account with your email first then link a username to that email.
Example for username.
Go to Skype.
Create roomscape.pb as my username.
link roomscape@No as my email.
Example for live username.
Go to Skype.
Create an account using my email roomscape@No
Create a username for my email.
There is a difference with how you log into Skype with these two methods, though the Skype experience is relatively the same. As far as I know, the live username is a lot more secure purely because your real username is hidden. With a live username on Skype, your actual login is your email and no one knows your email unless you tell it to them. With your regular Skype username, everyone can see your Skype login name as it's publicly displayed. The issue here is that people can attempt to hack into your Skype through recovering your info purely based on your login, whether that be your regular username or live username (email address).
It's pretty similar to RuneScape. To us oldfags of RS, we used to have a username and that's how we logged into RS. We created a username then linked our email to our username. RS has since changed and we now create our account with an email and then link a username to that email, but we use the email to log into RS. This is essentially the same thing.
Why is this such a big deal? It's not...until someone attempts to hack/recover your Skype. With a normal username, your login is exposed to everyone. With a live username, no one will know your username since it's actually your email...unless you publicly post it and tell them. My live:roomscape Skype name has a email login registered to it that no one knows the email to - and I intend to keep it that way. My previous Skype - roomscape.pb - was recovered by someone and then they changed the password and scammed some people because they then had access to my Skype. This can't happen with a live username email (as far as I know) since no one can tell your login.
I'm aware that some may now realize that Skype has an issue, but I see a lot of people just posting their email to their Skype publicly and it's not safe at all to do so. There was a series of big, reputable users on another site who had their skypes hacked (recovered) by one user and the reason this happened was because he used their Skype username. Skype is one of the main ways we communicate with one another here and on other sites so shouldn't we try to keep that as secure as everything else? There is never a reason for you to post your Skype email. If you have a email login with Skype, you also have a live username registered with it. If you look at your Skype profile, they will tell you what your live username is for you to share with people. Also beware that live:roomscape is not the same as roomscape or anything else.