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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. Hey, mod hulk guy thingy. Remove my neg. Pls
  2. Ooh, I have a negative. :o

  3. I really hope that's one ugly girl...
  4. It would appear that way; yes.
  5. Then people would spam forums asking questions.
  6. I disagree with your statement disagreeing with my statement.
  7. Then why do we have any precautions in the market? If that's the point, why have any buyer protection at all? Get rid if scam reports because it's the buyers fault for getting scammed. Get rid of ToS since it's the buyers fault for being stupid and trading. Get rid of everything. If a buyer gets scammed, it's their fault. Right?
  8. Play me on the phone. I personally just dislike the computer version.
  9. Considering our reality is only so due to polls, I'd have to disagree.
  10. It doesn't, but the fact that people voted knowingly that they had to choose someone to fail just further proved my point. But at this rate, you'll be the one left to rot as you watch Gilgad move on. How does that make you feel?
  11. Some things in life require sacrifices. It's an inevitable part of success. While one person succeeds, the other(s) fail(s). In some rare situations, no one fails and everyone succeeds, but that's neither here nor there. Point is, sacrifices must be made for the betterment of the community. Inevitable sacrifices. Although you voted for the person who you'd most like to succeed, you had to have voted for the person you'd like to fail. That's just how it is.
  12. Not always the best thing.
  13. You're just mad you're voted first to be demoted. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/44070-let-the-battle-begin/
  14. I think they were changing my member title. -.-
  15. I'm scared. Did I do something?
  16. Just nadhir, nothing else. Level 23. Winnings: 125k
  17. On my phone. You can't be on computer and play against someone on phone, you both have to be on same game version to play one another.
  18. Computer - http://www.miniclip.com/games/8-ball-pool-multiplayer/en/ iPhone - https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/8-ball-pool/id543186831?mt=8 I don't know android link. You need to create a miniclip account in order to play. Add me and invite me to a game if you want to play. Name = nadhir
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