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Everything posted by grimnox

  1. Best money method that requires 0 knowledge is to get your account zulrah ready and just bot zulrah, you will make how much the script cost and more easily every month - don't even bother looking for free to use money making scripts they are either diluted or ban heavy.
  2. If you pay for my OSRS protection service, i can have a team of 5 pures watching the meet point to make sure you don't get scammed.
  3. @bertil1 and full void I presume?
  4. @Fruity Will this account work with your script or do i need a higher mage
  5. grimnox


    Just leave your computer on, if it isn't a prick then the fans will keep it cool and so will sleep mode
  6. grimnox


    As long as your pc is good and wont overheat, you can just teamviewer shouldn't matter that your in paris. or just set up RDC for your computer..
  7. cant comment on thread ill stick 40m on account 4.

  8. It really all boils down to how high your account level is already and not just taking breaks to afk, taking breaks and doing quests manually seems like the best way to decrease your chance at ban, but i'm no expert. i've used FruityNMZ for a while now and my account isn't banned.
  9. 3 simple steps: 1. Mute your silver team & dont follow what they ping or do. 2. Abuse tank meta and play a tank/bruiser top. 3. Cs all game and don't die to your laner else your silver, the only deaths you should take are dying after taking a tower. GG
  10. I'm about too setup a contract with i3D for my company, so at some point in the future ill be setting up a private hosting section for osbot users for their bots
  11. Only advice to give really is, use paid scripts & occasionally play legit and complete quests
  12. even just getting 60 prayer, and 80 mage, you have yourself an amazing zulrah ready account and plenty more funds than now.
  13. grimnox

    Fire cape

    I added you on discord
  14. grimnox

    Fruity NMZ

    Just started using Fruity's NMZ, after a while brainfarting I figured out setting it all up and it runs fantastic! easy gains now all the way to i can use your zulrah bot! +1
  15. Sorry ive been away with work, if you still need help shoot me a PM
  16. You want to be mining using the power of a GPU not a CPU, and never mine directly into bitcoin unless you are using multiple independent rigs with private pools, else you wont even make 0.001 of a coin a month, stick to less diluted coins with good rise potential and buy into coins worth more. if you need any help in the mining industry let me know.
  17. Sorted it out quick sail to port sarim and it web walks fine, it just has trouble using boats to travel! however still a fantastic script 5*
  18. I was orginally starting at Grand Exchange and it was working fine then all of a sudden it just failed to web walk. ill just run over to zeah real quick and it will probably work
  19. Get this issue no matter how I run the bot, and I'm using stealth injection not mirror mode, I have money for transport and it worked perfectly for a week or so now just doesnt work.
  20. I was literally totally oblivious to his defence level, feel derped
  21. Hello Apa I can't use Sand Crabs it just gets stuck trying to run the location all of the time

    1. Apaec


      Hi! Please post any issues you experience on the thread. From the sounds of this though, you're probably running mirror mode - please don't use mirror with this script as mirror mode is buggy!

  22. Seems everyone is after Zulrah & Minnow Fishers
  23. I run the bot after following your steps, it just logs me out no matter what.
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