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Everything posted by grimnox

  1. If you get your prayer up, sell this off as a Zulrah ready account !
  2. 10m that account was probably botted him and probably took 1-2days
  3. grimnox

    Stealth Quester

    @Token Looks a fantastic script cant wait for me to be added, can you authenticate me for a trial, I would like to see how this all works before I jump into a purchase, also can I receive confirmation of the trial last time I had a trial off somebody they never told me and it ran out before I could trial it
  4. How are you killing zulrah with such low range and prayer levels?
  5. Firemaking would be good empty as hell at the moment.
  6. 0 Banned, and 3 successful capes on different accounts. @jesenican
  7. Service: The service I will be offering will be a fire cape service, this service will be achieved using a paid script with a low ban rate, this service will probably not be the cheapest on OSBOT however it will come with a huge amount of guidance and support to assure you the job is been done correctly. The price of this service will be 2m RSGP for a new customer or 1m RSGP for a returning customer - All cases will require screenshot proof of payment and the fire cape being achieved. Disclaimer: I understand that I have a low trader reputation, this is because I am new to OSBOT and I am trying to build up some reputation so I can offer some more services in the future. Terms Of Service: - You will go first, unless you are a very respected and acknowledged player. - Your account must have a minimum of 67 Range and 60 Def. - You Must use Discord or forum PM to provide screenshots of proof of purchase and retrieval of cape - You must leave an honest review + reputation. Completed Cases:
  8. grimnox


    How much GP for Wanted & Slug Menace
  9. Seems so interesting if you ever need any website development help let me know, exciting to see such a unique project.
  10. I have requested the feedback and he said he would, still waiting.
  11. I did this, Willing to do anyone pm me
  12. grimnox

    firecape needed

    Ill do this in the morning 1 Bond for bot, 2 bonds for legit run. Got one player in Q in front of you however i need to sleep.
  13. Ill do this I pmed you... Since I'm low rep we can get MM
  14. If nobody wants to ill do this for fairly cheap, lmk if you need somebody eventually
  15. Script name: Khal Wintertodt - trial length: 5-10HRS - Reason for trial - Looking to purchase a firemaking script, however with minigame scripts there is a higher ban rate, I purchased frost cave without a trial now im scared to run it more than once a week. - Are you going to give feedback on the script? Definitely anything to help improve script: I will leave an honest review for everybodies perusal
  16. I saw that script and I think that's what i'm going to have to get but i just wondered why there wasn't a free script to quickly bot to like 50-60 for wintertodt.
  17. I'm a novice when it comes to the bot scene, but how come there is 0 paid or free firemaking scripts? are they too easy to get banned?
  18. I am currently new to the scripting scene, I've been working on preparing my account for zulrah and barrows runs, I was wondering what is the best way for me to sufficiently afk defence training, i'm not looking to go from 60-70 overnight, something spread over a week will suffice.
  19. Whenever I try to login to the account on the bot, java runtime Se crashes I am on SE version 1.8 and i've tried reinstalling multiple times still crashes everytime Edit: It allows me to use official Runescape Client perfectly. Not a ram issue for sure.
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