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Everything posted by grimnox

  1. grimnox


    I can run it via a script for you if nobody wants to hand run it
  2. Hello after a price check on one of my accounts, a price check in ‘£’ would be hugely appreciated. I am not the original owner my friend is, the account is on my email and I have access to the original email it was made with ( it this makes a difference in price) The account has two moderate bot busting bans dating from 2016 & 2018, both bans have been quashed and the account has not been botted since.
  3. These stories make me fella way better about the accounts I’ve lost, time to get the bot farm back up and running
  4. Pointless eventually 80+ % of the base of players wanting access to close beta will receive it and it will turn into an open beta they will not close the beta whole everyone is quarantined and kill the hype and cash flow...
  5. It’s always interesting to get an insight into how much people are willing to risk while botting, what’s everyone’s biggest loss while botting mine is a Max combat with a wealth of over 150M, I lost the account while botting zulrah a few years back!
  6. Personally after a 2 day ban I wouldn’t bot on the account for a while, especially if your going to use tick perfect scripts you will get banned again.
  7. @LIAMM is now fulfilling current levelling tasks
  8. Thanks for the interest I’ve had a lot of responses will get back to everyone individually to find the right candidate
  9. Going to keep this short and sweet, I’m in the market for the levelling of a few skills on one of my accounts need to find the right hand levelling applicant, whom won’t get me banned for using NMZ scripts etc. First task: 97-99 Magic. Please post: Price, Time Frame, Rep
  10. grimnox

    Hello :)

    Welcome back to the dark cave of RuneScape botting
  11. I’m interested in the following if you can give me a price check please: Defence: 67-70 Magic: 97-99 Attack: 76-90
  12. I recently got banned on my high combat level account, i'm after an account with the following stats 90+ Attack Strength Defence All over skills will not be taken into consideration and will not make me pay more..
  13. Impossible to say, all depends on the days you bot, how long you bot, what else you do on your account and what script you use, it’s all learnt from trial and error.
  14. Zulrah is where the money is at...
  15. SO what about all the macroing bans that came from people fletching on ipads etc?? like "A Friend" for example.
  16. There should be because people can smash that screen hella faster than a mouse, so for certain skills ban rate should decrease.
  17. What do you guys think will happen with the botting community when runescape mobile is released, I reckon ban rates will be lowered and there will hopefully be a platform for botting on mobile.
  18. Whats the best method to level from 75-80 magic, taking into account the following variables: Ban Rate, Money, Time.
  19. Don't think I could ever swap to amd
  20. I'm no expert but i reckon you could struggle to get an account at that level for 13m that isn't just bot smashed and ban prone.
  21. Discord me if you want to run it for me
  22. Close being fulfilled via: @Mac
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