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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Superman

  1. Agreed. Paypal is so fked up
  2. Didn't have to punch him 20 times...Lol you shoulda just kicked him in the balls really hard.
  3. Kyle for male model. lelelelelel. Gh0st4WorstJokesEver lolololololololololol
  4. I've been waiting a week for darkzside to give me my sig (for u super man! :P) but im not gonna givr him negative or neutral fb because hes the best sig maker on osbot. If i were him i wouldnt want nuetral or negative fb
  5. Lololololololooool at cortana and violent. I cant beleive mackadizzles thread to violent was considered targetting another member. This is some funny shiett
  6. Actually osbot is outdated ignore my previous comment
  7. Try updating java and redownloading thr osbot client. I did that and it worked for me
  8. Superman

    Veteran glow

    Just because you joined early doesnt mean you should get all of these special things. You should br happy you got the vet rank, i wish i had one :'(
  9. Beastlys is kewler and cuter
  10. That is cummins, unless that was supposed to be a joke.
  11. Why? That seems pointless and mean to ex staff
  12. Nope. Just because you joined early doesnt mean you shud get free stuff
  13. But where did the pre-historic bird come from? Evolution. No shit. The guys response with thr prehistoric bird is the same as the chicken and the egg. Just its a prehistoric bird instead of a chicken.
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