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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Superman

  1. Superman

    BETA v1.7.47

    Second, and thanks.
  2. Can you remember what letter it started with?
  3. Superman

    o ya

    Fake, no way you can have 1000 notifications?
  4. How does it bother you people is there is a chatbox which others enjoy? Dors that little box at the top of this page that says "Chatbox" really bother you so much? If this sites chat is so bad then fuck off and go else where.
  5. Superman

    BETA v1.7.45

    When will the Frog Cave random be fixed?? Its honestly one of the easiest randoms to do... can you please just take a few hours of your time and fix a random that has been broken for over 2 months?
  6. So then it takes you months to rejoin, and you could have recovered your password lol. Sadly, I'm 3 days from the deadline... Pretty shitty I used a differnt account just to bot on. Then i became superman
  7. I think I shoukd get it because I had made an account in march but then I forgot the pass
  8. Superman

    Bug or error

    Mine has been broken since July 21st.
  9. I was expecting you to draw your life lelel
  10. Do the math yourself. 12.5m xp/20k str xp per hour.
  11. Superman

    BETA v1.7.43

    Thanks for the quick update!
  12. Superman

    BETA v1.7.42

    Doesn't recognize when there's a random...
  13. Support! This would be really cool!
  14. Sorry but not everyone is as perfect as you are.
  15. He wants to learn to script dumbass. But you should check out: http://www.youtube.com/user/H0psterCoding/videos and http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL17E300C92CE0261A
  16. If they are so distracting then disable them. I personally like them. I have. Doesn't change the fact that they still exist and are annoying other people. Some sigs are nice, like mine. Its art, enjoy it.
  17. Superman

    BETA v1.7.39

    Banking is still broken! It won't work for fletching, it just tries to scroll up. Please fix soon.
  18. If they are so distracting then disable them. I personally like them.
  19. I don't agree. This is a bit off topic but wtf I though you scammed someone and asked for a ban? EDIT: Also you can hide signatures if it really bothers you so no, we should be able to keep any size/amount of sigs we want to.
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