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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Superman

  1. its been public on youtube for months. All I'm doing is raising awareness of a public method before people can try to sell this "private" method. How many of those bots have you seem that are public?
  2. Wtf man... Why would show this to people? Some people are using this and now it will crash in two days cmon man
  3. I think this should be moved to spam and not scripting resources > projects. Lelelelle
  4. Not takin a picture im on my phone. I have all tradable rares and 50 crackers :3 they will rise i hope
  5. Superman

    Flawed ToS

    Great except the part were it says you are not subscribed or registered to Jagex or any of their products, blah blah blah. Anyway I'm sure we all have runescape membership, so a botting website were you cant buy membership doesnt make sense. Actually, that's viable (because we'd be breaking the tos and it doesn't matter to jagex if we break the tos and the only thing osbot can do is not allow us on their site via a ban etc for breaking their tos) BUT that'd cause problems because of the bot. Basically what you are saying is that we will get banned from a RUNESCAPE botting site because we bought their products? Or is it something else?
  6. Superman

    Flawed ToS

    Great except the part were it says you are not subscribed or registered to Jagex or any of their products, blah blah blah. Anyway I'm sure we all have runescape membership, so a botting website were you cant buy membership doesnt make sense.
  7. Now would this be a free bot? If it was it would ruin the economy and make the people who bought ATMerch angry
  8. Anyone should be able to lock their own thread. They made the thread so why waste mods time locking it?
  9. If you donate you should get a donator rank, to show others you care.So the only way you'll donate to help out the site is if you can show it off to everyone else? Yes. Why did you buy sponsor? Hmmmmmmm...? Lol its the same thing I bought sponsor because it lasts 6 months & it's cheaper than VIP over time. :wacko: So no, it's not the same thing. Really? Damn I gotta buy sponsor then :P but yes I would like to have a sexy rank. I forgot login info for my old osbot account which I made in march, I would have had veteran
  10. If you donate you should get a donator rank, to show others you care. So the only way you'll donate to help out the site is if you can show it off to everyone else? Yes. Why did you buy sponsor? Hmmmmmmm...? Lol its the same thing
  11. Not like 2.50, more like 15 dollars or more.
  12. If you donate you should get a donator rank, to show others you care.
  13. Thats exactly what I was thinking :P
  14. she*Divica is a girl?Divicas a guy Divica is a girl, she just told me so. I thot she was a guy as well lol
  15. I can understand why you think that, but with vip and sponsor you get perks, and if you donate you get no perks and it purely just goes to the site.
  16. This is a quite popular botting website and I have seen on other botting websites that they have a donator rank. It would bring in money for the site and also show that you care by donating. Also it would be sexy to have a new rank :P What do you guys think?
  17. You should make an herblore script
  18. Jesus thats awesome. I think thats even better than darkzside :P
  19. It looks really nice. Here are some things I think you should change. Make it so they don't have to give positive feedback after, because what if you scam or something. Write "You will leave feedback after the service is completed" or something. I also think you should make the TOS box smaller with dashes like Meth said.
  20. PLEASE FINISH MY SIGNATURE. You are obviously not busy now...
  21. Don't ddos. And does he have proof it was you? And you're 11?
  22. Wtf I thot Gambino was shakur. Wtf is going on?
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