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Everything posted by HoneyDewBubbleT

  1. PM or add me on discord and lmk your rate! Grabbing chickfila so brb in 20-30min. Discord: HoneydewbubbleT#1856 Can buy lesser quantities, but looking to buy 200m total. Will keep thread update!
  2. Lmk your rate! Going first only for sponsors+ w/ good fb.
  3. Love how flawed your analogy is. No it's not the same as going up to a black guy and inserting racial slur. First of all, going along with your analogy, I didn't know that this guy "was black" and if I were to have said a racial slur (which I never do), I wouldn't have known it would've offended him. Secondly, when I say these "racial slurs" to other ironmen (ask why they pay for services), they usually provide a somewhat reasonable response which I may or may not agree with kind of like @Lurkernomore 's very last response. stop farming post count. Your insults are horrible, newbie. Gotcha, to each their own I guess. I personally think fming via wintertotd is way better than mindless grinding of log lighting and extremely great for acquiring resources & other skill ex as an ironman. Happy new year to you as well!
  4. "Ironman Mode is an account type, released on October 13, 2014, that encourages the player to be entirely self-sufficient." Note the phrase "Entirely self-sufficient." This is Jagex's definition of this gamemode and the reason why the majority of the players who play this mode play it-not what i'm dictating. I'm a joke? Lmao. You're the one that can't handle a little FMing grind via wintertotd which is probably one of the easiest/fastest skill to get a 99 in. I understand there are things on osrs that could be difficult or extremely tedious e.g. infernocape, lvling runecrafting, etc. But FMing. Really? Thx m8. Wasn't trying to be one. If you take a look at my first two comments, was actually being friendly but OP took it offensively and has a stick up his butt. I do apologize for making this thread unnecessarily long though. I love having discussions/debates but this wasn't the thread to do it on so my apologies.
  5. No, I'm not teaching you how to do anything. I'm sorry I ruffled your feathers, must've hit a spot lmao but you're playing a gamemode that people play literally to avoid RWT/unfair advantages to "challenge themselves." You're not proving anything to anyone but to yourself. Since you can't handle a simple conversation without getting offended and can't even copy the spelling of a word correctly, good bye. No need to reply to this, don't want to lose any more time nor brain cells reading your responses. You're the obnoxious example of "Iron btw" (jk, bought my stats).
  6. You're welcome. Really hard to play authentic ironman when you have affiliation with RWT sites eh ?
  7. I thought the purpose of ironman was to avoide RWT advantages and challenge yourself ._. ...
  8. Change things up. Don’t do the same thing if you noticed you’re getting banned faster. Anti-cheat/bot will always be improving so you yourself have to improve with the tools you have.
  9. Will edit once i'm done buying edit 1: bought 25m for .80usd ea. Still buying more!
  10. need 1 + for flex. Add saintsky if you're down.
  11. You don't have to respond to him if you don't want to. There's no mystery behind how Trump became president. We chose what was thought to be the better of the two garbage options.
  12. @Tom Could you possibly implement a double safe spot feature? We'd get to define two separate tiles as "Safe tile" and it'll run back and forth between these two tiles every x amount of time predefined in the gui with a slider or input. Combine this with your already existing agro reset tile, it'd be perfect for mm2 chinning!
  13. I'm going to ban all your accounts RIGHT NOW
  14. Hey y'all, Which of the two do you guys prefer to use to manage your bot via your phone? Any other software recommendations are also welcome! If it's relevant, I was recently forced to switch to Iphone so any perspective from iOs perspective would be much appreciated (verizon Bogo deal, my wife wanted iphone but they won't allow mix and match T_T).
  15. Insane. I threw up trying to get 89 agility. Gave up many times this whole summer lol! Don't know how you grind that out.
  16. did you bot or get that 99 agility by hand? Just out of curiosity.
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