Naw, you make pennies. But the idea is you risk nothing when you get banned and the accounts are replaced within the hour. That account part is changed now depending on how you do it
Naw you make like 30-80k/hr. There's like less than hand full that make over 150k/hr and they're not very mass bottable. Thing is about f2p is you risk basically nothing.
Proxy is shit in my opinion. If they lock either handle the locks or toss the ip's. I botted 3k accounts on a single ip in a couple weeks and never received locks. 20 accounts at the same time too.
@Jepsen Mentioning other botting platforms isn't allowed. I suggest you change it to something like "another bot" instead of the name.
My suggestion is find any money maker above 30k/hr and run them all. Best atm is probably wines or selling items to the one general store in the wildy. But generally people won't tell you this stuff. You gotta find them your self.
Try it on the stable version and see if it does it. If it does tell Token so he can see what the issue is. Get a copy of the logger and what it does right before too if you can, will make it easier for him.
Hey what's going on here?
So the code in the pastebin is what I am using right? But for some reason within the first minute of starting the client if I start a script it throws NPEs on everything within the solver's onLoop.
Even something simple like log("Break loop"); throws npes. Adding sleeps before the override in onStart doesn't work.
Only two ways I found to make it work is if I wait a 1-2 minutes after logging in. Or adding ClassName.This to everything like I did with the log below.
ClassName.this.log("Break loop");