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  1. found a issue when script banks it doesnt empty the invent when trying to combine potions so it grabs loads of one doses then logs out
  2. Aight bet easy money trial Papi?
  3. Does the script have salamander support
  4. AddeyB


    can i have a trail please
  5. when killed the bot in lumbridge just sits there logger shows nothing so i assume webwalking doesn't sort it out... then i take it to lumbridge bank to take out a ring of dueling and take it to ferox it then walks itself to the pool and spams it then i babysit it click the bank and just does nothing kek
  6. Very solid well built script amazing breakhandler and superb antiban one of a kind thanks for the 99s khal
  7. sorry brother would i be able to get a refund i thought this would be completely diffrent my bad sorry
  8. Yo khal can i get a trail of the woodcutter its neppu from discord
  9. AddeyB

    Stealth Quester

    please may i have a trial token ^^
  10. thanks for the fast response script si going well 100+ kills already
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