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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Chris


    dbuffed scammed 7b 07. its being covered up smh
  2. Chris

    I did an oops

    8350 in 2016 lul...beta male... PC Intel masterrace
  3. looks like dbuffed setup omni == dbuffed confirmed?/s
  4. just check sythe ayy lmao
  5. 1) after every loop count 1 to a variable initialize int count; after a number is entered counter++; get the total can be found the same way 2) this is C but is similar to what you are looking for. #include <stdio.h> int main() { int counter; printf("Odd numbers between 1 to 100\n"); /* * Initialize counter with first odd number 1, and increment * it by 2 in every iteration. */ counter = 1; while (counter <= 100) { printf("%d ", counter); /* Add 2 to current odd number to get next odd number */ counter = counter + 2; } return 0; }
  6. ahh the middle school throwback
  7. was happy for a real farewell post
  8. Chris

    fk jagex.

    what am i missing here?
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