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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Chris

  1. private enum Bank { DRAYNOR(Banks.DRAYNOR), AL_KHARID(Banks.AL_KHARID), LUMBRIDGE(Banks.LUMBRIDGE_UPPER), FALADOR_EAST(Banks.FALADOR_EAST), FALADOR_WEST(Banks.FALADOR_WEST), VARROCK_EAST(Banks.FALADOR_EAST), VARROCK_WEST(Banks.VARROCK_WEST), SEERS(Banks.CAMELOT), CATHERBY(Banks.CATHERBY), EDGEVILLE(Banks.EDGEVILLE), YANILLE(Banks.YANILLE), GNOME_STRONGHOLD(Banks.GNOME_STRONGHOLD), ARDOUNGE_NORTH(Banks.ARDOUGNE_NORTH), ARDOUNE_SOUTH(Banks.ARDOUGNE_SOUTH), CASTLE_WARS(Banks.CASTLE_WARS), DUEL_ARENA(Banks.DUEL_ARENA), PEST_CONTROL(Banks.PEST_CONTROL), CANIFIS(Banks.CANIFIS), BLAST_FURNACE(new Area(1949, 4956, 1947, 4958)), TZHAAR(Banks.TZHAAR); private final Area area; Bank(Area area) { this.area = area; } } public static Area closestTo(Entity e) { HashMap<Bank, Integer> distMap = new HashMap<Bank, Integer>(); for (Bank b : Bank.values()) { distMap.put(b, e.getPosition().distance(b.area.getRandomPosition())); } HashMap<Integer, Bank> distMapSorted = sortByDistance(distMap); Area cBank = distMapSorted.values().toArray(new Bank[Bank.values().length])[0].area; return cBank; } private static <K, V extends Comparable<? super V>> HashMap<V, K> sortByDistance(Map<K, V> map) { HashMap<V, K> result = new LinkedHashMap<>(); Stream<Map.Entry<K, V>> st = map.entrySet().stream(); st.sorted(Map.Entry.comparingByValue()).forEachOrdered(e -> result.put(e.getValue(), e.getKey())); return result; } @LP
  2. Need a price check no bans
  3. Stats no wealth 2 day ban & I am the Original owner
  4. Stats Wealth or items: Has pet golem (mining pet) 2 day ban & im not OO email comes with the account.
  5. whats your page 1 gui settings and what does your game screen look like
  6. i gave you a trial. just refresh your script selector in the client
  7. @LargeLoads @munkebo6 authed
  8. Chris


    ye y u need it 4. lego join me discord and i tech u
  9. #1 Bug report Template: - What is the issue? Attempting to open the bank while the 'collect bars interface' is open. - What is the script status? (See script paint) "Withdrawing more coins" - What is your setup? (What bars, extra tasks, coal bag, potion support, smithing level) Steel, cool ores with bucket, coal bag support, no, Level 45 - Printscreen with the Osbot console enabled and script paint when getting stuck. N/A Had to pause and reenable when I caught it out. #2 Bug report Template: - What is the issue? Spam clicks when filling the bucket with water AND when using bucket to cool ores - What is the script status? (See script paint) "Cooling bars" || "Interacting Sink" - What is your setup? (What bars, extra tasks, coal bag, potion support, smithing level) Steel, cool ores with bucket, coal bag support, no, Level 45 - Printscreen with the Osbot console enabled and script paint when getting stuck. N/A Everything else is working fine. Just testing out smithing on a level 3 EDIT: Got a GIF (14 secs duriation)
  10. Thanks for the quick updates Alek!
  11. I don't guarantee full anti-pk but I have implemented the best I could. Any feedback is appreciated. Submit a bug report form. I don't do refunds
  12. refresh your script selector and it should show up If it is nopt then the payment is not completed yet
  13. going to be pushing this along with deathwalking update
  14. still doing some testing on full deathwalk support.
  15. Might be the webwalker stalling. I would need logger info and status info for more information though.
  16. 10% more for paypal? Edit: Welcome to the forums
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