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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Chris

  1. 1) Functional but still improving it. I can add you to the tester group and auth you the script if you add my skype (osbotsinatra1) My script includes Metal Dragons GDK (West & Graveyard mode) w/ anti-pk + lootbag support + safety tab so far Blue Dragons (Watchtower area & Taverly dungeon) Black Dragons (Taverly Dungeon) Future additions Red Dragons Bronze Dragons Maybe brutal dragons. add my skype if you are interested in trying it out. Screenshot of metals testing: 2) What quests scripts?
  2. Chris


    back up off my boy! Im the one talking sh*t..and what B*TCH
  3. Want to play junior partner to find play with me! ! !
  4. hehe xd poop memory wedicqated wAM
  5. i wish i could sleep forever
  6. hey bby add me on skype osbotsinatra1

  7. ill trade 5 ramen bricks.. this is equal to 2million in the prison cell. please get back to me.
  8. disliked and issued a takedown
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