Although the money isn't great, its still f2p. Also, I'm only making this to learn the API to push out bigger and better scripts. Thanks for the feedback though.
Prozen's Clay Miner
Will be on SDN soon!
Why did I make this script? I have been wanting to become a scripter for OSBot for awhile now. I decided to start with something easy. I will be pushing out AIO scripts and alot more useful ones.
Highly Responsive Script
Deathwalks From Lumbridge
Banks Clay & Gems
Can Run For Very Long Periods Of Time
Avoids Mugger (Mines Other Clay Which Mugger Cannot Get To)
Upcoming Features:
Avoiding Mugger (Mines Other Clay Which Mugger Cannot Get To)
Walk To Varrock West & Start Mining From Any Location (Waiting For OSBot's Web Walker)
Hops Worlds If The Mine Exceeds Eight Players (Optional)
Known Bugs:
Walking is buggy due to my current path walker. (Will Be Fixed Very Soon!)
Please Note: This proggy really sucks because of my mining level.
I am currently working on some better ones.