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Everything posted by Prozen

  1. Wow. Thats alot of money from botting. lol, well done
  2. Theres only two people I buy scripts from atm. You and Czar, because ive gotten banned on every other script ive bought. lol. gonna buy later and attempt to get 99 agility with this. will post some proggies!
  3. Gonna be using C#. I recently took a break from coding. Now getting back to it. Looks trustworthy and nice. ;)
  4. Can you do with these stats? http://prntscr.com/7sdk2e
  5. This script was working fine, I closed osbot and re-opened.. now it wont click on the Monk of Zamorak.. http://prntscr.com/7n4n3k
  6. I decided to use Divinity's AIO Agility script, and didn't read the instructions that said to use resizeable mode. Which caused it to get stuck and click on an oak tree for an hour straight. Lol.
  7. I love mirror mode so much. I got banned once, because I did something stupid on my end.
  8. Where is the link to buy this script? lol
  9. This script was working fine, now it wont do anything but change the camera yaw forever... http://prntscr.com/7lhm6i &&&& http://prntscr.com/7lhmi1
  10. Alright, thank you so much for replying this fast. I was wondering if I can cancel it right after I purchase it so it wont charge me again the next month? This is the last question. Sorry to bother you.
  11. Hey mate. I got banned about a week ago. Someone said that the ban rates are very high without mirror. So, I looked at the VIP rank for $10.00 a month. I don't see anything about the mirror mode client on that. Does VIP come with it? Oh, and can I cancel it right after I buy it so it wont charge me again the next month? Thanks!
  12. Just got bot busted and banned for 2 days using this script. It still is such a great script though, and I wont stop using it on other accounts. I was using injection mode and running for about 3-6 hours every other day or so.. I only ran it for about an hour before I got banned. Atleast it's only for 2 days though.
  13. Yup, ive used it once before. Ty tho. Love this community.
  14. I am familiar with java, but I am brand new to scripting and the OSBot API. I looked in the API for some GUI, I could not find anything. So I tried to open up a JFrame using Java Swing on the script start method.. I am looking to just put some checkboxes and some dropdowns for my woodcutting script for Ex: Pick from yews or willows. Thanks!
  15. Think about the way a human would runecraft, especially if your runecrafting for hours. Your not going to be going really fast. When I runecraft without botting, I often idle like that. I just think of it as anti-ban.
  16. Best script ever man, keep making these amazing scripts. I bought last this script last night, not a regret at all. I am going to be buying a bunch of your other scripts.
  17. Ok thank you very much for letting me know that fast.
  18. Does this have great antiban? I am buying in about an hour or so.
  19. Hello OSBot community, I am sorry if this is in the wrong section. I was wondering if my OSBot account information, like the address has to be the same as the card thats hooked up to my paypal? Just making sure this wont interfere with the purchase of a script.
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