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Everything posted by Prozen

  1. Haha, I just got owned. I didn't think it through very much. Thanks for the feedback, I will have to think that one through.
  2. Hey OSBot community! I made this thread to let everyone know what i'm creating. I want to do leveling services on runescape 2007. So I decided so make my services better, I would make an application for it. These services will be payed with rs07 gp. The application will allow users to see the price of their request along with having many options to send emails and such. I will be writing this in Java. I was going to write this in c#, but I have a better knowledge of Java so I figured why not just use it. Estimated Time Till Completion: 4 months. (I am going to take as much time as I need for this.) Please Note: You will provide all items I need for the service. Features this will have: You will be able to provide an email or skype username, and you will be able to select a option that will automatically send an email once you reach certain levels without having the application open! Example: 10, 20, 30 strength. Please Note: The email or skype username provided will remain anonymous. You will recieve an email/skype message once I achieve the level payed for. Still thinking about all the marketing, I don't need to worry about that as of now however. You will be given an estimated time period till the service is completed. There will be a progress bar indicating the progress till the service is completed. I will be making a function that will grab the level and exp from the highscores, also indicating how far till the next level. If there is a problem completing your service on my end, I will refund you 80%. That's all I have right now, I will be updating this whenever something comes to my mind. If you have any suggestions, please let me know! Thanks Images:
  3. I would like a trial of: APARockCrabs I would like a trial because: I am looking to purchase your script. However, I would love to see it in action before I buy it.
  4. How do I go about getting model id so I can tell the script what to click on? I don't see anything for it inside the osbot client.
  5. Got it Thank you very much. You answered fast lol. Best community ever.
  6. Did I do something completely wrong. new to eclipse :p http://prntscr.com/69pl97
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