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Everything posted by Prozen

  1. Can use their onResponseCode(ResponseCode.ACCOUNT_DISABLED), no? Oops, read it wrong. lol
  2. Prozen


    Lmao that lego stand for his phone tho
  3. Whoop Whoop! Happy B Day :P
  4. Looks pretty nice! Interested in this, gonna keep checking on the progress. Gl
  5. Years ago, I went to Honolulu, Hawaii. This was by far my favorite holiday. Beautiful place plus great for surfing. ;)
  6. Looks nice. Best of luck.
  7. No, I've never used them. I use DigitalOcean, but not for botting as OSBot has memory leaks on linux.
  8. BudgetVM and Wavride have cheap linux vps's.
  9. No telling whether you'll last longer or not. Only difference in F2P is yews are known for botters, making you more likely to be bot busted. On the other hand, you could get lucky and last longer than you would in P2P. Best of luck.
  10. This is amazing. thanks
  11. I said in your own api, if you had your own drop and drop all method (not using osbot's drop method). as for checking if the player is animating yeah true that shouldnt be in the method since you should do the checks before you call the dropAll method.
  12. What I was wondering aswell. On another note though, I tried it and it works for me. Your method would make somewhat sense if you were making an api, seeing as you didnt pass a variable im assuming thats not the case, i'd use the snippet LoudPacks gave. If you are using it to make a universal method, try this. void dropAll(String itemName) { if(!myPlayer().isAnimating()) { for(Item i : getInventory().getItems()) { if(i.getName() == itemName) i.interact("Drop"); //Would typically be your own drop method here } } }
  13. I'd do as debug said, remove everything related to OSBot.
  14. Look good, bout time u release one :P
  15. Prozen

    hi :3

    Welcome to the fine community of OSBot, enjoy ur stay.
  16. Prozen

    OSBot 2.4.53

    Nice to see an update from you Zach, nice work!
  17. Prozen

    Gaming pc

    Nice cable management. Mine sucks pretty badly. :P
  18. No bans but has a email. Wouldn't risk my OSBot account though.
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