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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Saiyan

  1. do clues till you get a 3rd age longsword then sell it rwt and get banned
  2. even u !!!! u ordered the hit mercenary? more like a snake..
  3. forever aboosed by my "Friends" u were a key member ur the grandmasterrrrr
  4. look at my member title i didnt ask 4 it !@!@! ab00se at it's finest @Genii pls fix
  5. oh and here i thought u died
  6. Wow this looks good! Good job bro
  7. not gonna show mines cos it consists of an iMac :tears: Yeah im running an iMac i'm gonna burn in hell I know
  8. ur not leet enuff fren

  9. Saiyan's BDK source code for Khaleesi AIO source code? pls

  10. Probably not lol cus no1 wants 2 release to local you kno wouldn't want my 7 npe per frame methods to be leaked u kno? it's my trademark according to @Token :tears:
  11. @Dex wat if you're a script0r 2 like me and vip is irrelevant ?? can @Khaleesi leak his source code to me instead pls pls ? edit: can u do le dank gfx work 4 me ;) (if i win ofc)
  12. lmao keven is a mehdget anyway (inside joke)
  13. Saiyan

    mgi top kek afk noob

  14. l000000l rip ran out of daily likes fuck
  15. forever on the osbot forums kappa realist is the hottest fuk to date 10/10 :3
  16. Nice bike man Shame im not 2 leet enuff 2 drive one
  17. But seriously to answer your question Emily, i don't think it's cheating because you can't always expect the guy to turn to his partner for satisfaction as you know he may want to experience new stuff. Well this argument is completely shit well I guess he may want some alone time? or he may just have a bad habit i guess which he can't shake off we've all been there lol
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