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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Saiyan

  1. Saiyan


    i just make my own milkshake with oreos add some semi skimmed milk 2-3 scoops of vanilla and couple of oreos and whipped cream and chocolate sauce then blend it all in a blender ezpz
  2. Saiyan

    my tumor

    claim asylum in the uk before they leave the eu
  3. Congrats bro Saiyan bdk will overtake kcutter tho ;) gl to all
  4. first m8 reach the 1k post crew ;) jk i support!@
  5. Do you do fight kiln on rs3? if so how much maxed account rs3 so stats aren't a problem
  6. xD we must rebel n fight this ab00se
  7. Just cause you're not loved fren you can be my bf btw i love you and i always will :P
  8. this aint the eu m8 it must mean something ??? na but they're gr8 ppl and i love em all Solutions Sidechick? I love you too
  9. first it was Anne's BF by @Anne then it was Genii's BF by @Genii and now it's Khaleesi's personal slave by @Khaleesi next is Detective Dex's Sidekick? or maybe Maldesto's Maid?? moderator team <3333333 EDIT: Today My member title was changed to "Solution's Problem" by @Solution when will this violation of human rights end :tears:
  10. if it's a premium script, you will not be able to remove it unless you ask a moderator but the question would arise why lol since it's paid but if it's free you should be able to if you use the sdn store and try refreshing in your client.
  11. this ^ if the scripter is unsure, there is another method of accessing his files i think they'll have to be in the OSBOt data directory or something if i'm not correct
  12. do we qualify if we have another account which was made during or before that date? kek #NotAVader
  13. mald could u look into my latest visitors not showing on my profile? :/ it works for everyone else lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Saiyan


      how did u fix it?

    3. Krys


      i did nothing. just a matter of time i guess. just like the notification bug

    4. Saiyan


      i been waiting for 1 week+ now fren :C

  14. could be anyone it could be me it could even be maldesto?
  15. dont mock me bro i walk through that door everyday
  16. I know he was bashing but i was talking about mald since mald banned him lol but yeah hero could have dropped it tbh :c he's a newb
  17. @Maldesto Maldesto is good at what he does, I mean hero wasn't a mod so who was he to bash one? Fine he may have had ups and down but so have I lol At the end of the day you forgive n forget and i mean genii quit anyway so there is no point in bashing k give me mod now mald ty
  18. sysm shall i tell you a joke fren? you're the joke *Drops the mic*
  19. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/87697-explvs-dank-paint-tutorial/ Use this, it's probably the best tutorial out there for paint on osbot
  20. rip can i ask for clemency on their behalf's?
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