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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Saiyan

  1. I agree with this Just a side note, to those people who put [sCRIPTER] in market sales, what's the fucking point? How does the individual having the ability to create a script affect the market sale in anyway? It's pure click bait; It should end now. Like ultimately, knowing how to script doesn't mean that the scripter is 100% guaranteed not to scam
  2. umm are u trying to imply you weren't botting lol? Since if you weren't I doubt you'd be posting this shit here but you'd be spamming mod weath but yeah regardless jagex r fuks
  3. pls come back

    1. KEVzilla
    2. Saiyan


      in my arms :3

    3. KEVzilla


      hehe xd plz cuddle

  4. Saiyan


    holy fucking mother of god l0l
  5. Saiyan


    1337 items of *insert* those items will never see the light of day ever again l2 incognito pleb edit holy shit i forgot all about my browsing history items
  6. Saiyan


    free post count 18.125m
  7. Im serious soon tho my fren Saiyans god wars will get me god war setsssss
  8. my char is wearing granite body and drag platelegs I look like im a dragon botter Cause you send too much '***' snaps ;)
  9. Isn't zulrah like 500k dry? p/h
  10. Use the dev build .61 it's working but not all scripts will work with it as it deprecates some script methods.
  11. enjoy ur suspension breh **shots friend
  12. specific or all it doesn't really matter lol
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