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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Saiyan

  1. Thanks man I'd like but i've run out of my daily likes lol ty for support fren
  2. lmfaoooo I only did it bcus I knew ppl wouldn't read it if it was the regular base colour lol as it'd seem to tedious
  3. Osbot is promoting scripter 2+ supremacy whoever said the "i bought sponsor and then i could see the other pips" I think it was lemons xD you just made mald an argument He will now say "buy sponsor and it'll get fixed" ggwp rip s1's we were all there tho once
  4. Hi, I assume you've been getting banned quite a lot or you're just unsure whether or not to bot an account; You've come to the right place! Just noticed that @Alek made a guide 'similar' his is more technical tho so you should refer to his thread too http://osbot.org/forum/topic/45618-preventing-rs-botting-bans/ I will give you some tips & tricks and I will evaluate each one. Just a heads up lol, be aware that this is not a 100% guarantee in which will protect you as ultimately there isn't a method in which you can escape the possibility of a ban; Unless you bribe Mod Weath of course! Tip one however should guarantee you not getting banned Tip 1) Don't bot. Sounds simple right? Well it fucking is. Tip 2) Don't suicide. I know this tip may sound retarded as we all know the definition of suicide but who the fuck cares! Don't FUCKING SUICIDE! Seriously though lol what I mean by this is we all tend to 'risk' by botting overnight this is usually the downfall of many people as they get banned by this; You may say but I don't get banned? Well come back after a few days when your delay ban occurs Tip 3) Proxies are not game changers for reducing ban. Fine.. They may help if you have a 'flagged IP' well I'm under the pretence of flagged ip's only occurring to the big cheese gold farmers or mass scale botters and I can safely say none of us fall under that category only maybe @jackshow and @Pain . However though, I can see why people do buy proxies as once I did too after I noticed more bans than usual but to be fair they mostly generate their ban reports through their 'System of detecting bots' so don't expect proxies to guarantee all of your accounts 100% safety lol. Tip 4) Hotspots. This tip is defo useful in reducing bans. This is because we all know skills like Hunter or Abyss runecrafting is generally a hotspot for botters therefroe is it always the best choice? No but that doesn't mean you shouldn't do it as I personally loved botting Hunter only because of my best fren @ProjectPact But think of it this way, There's a higher frequency of bans occuring at these hotspots but don't get disheartened as users like ProjectPact are amazing in what they do therefore his hunter script is phenomenal (This is becoming an advertisement) Tip 5) LEVEL YOUR FUCKING COMBAT! This tip omg is probably the best tip known to man. This is because a person with 80 cmb chopping fucking yews will seem 'more legit' than a level 3 chopping yews. This may not be always the case but majority of the time it is. I've survived longer on higher level combat accounts than I have survived on shitty level 3's. It doesn't take much investment or time I guess as getting the min which would be 60/60/60 will only take about a day or two but in the long run I guess it's worth it; Unless your luck is absolutely shit then I can't really help lel. Tip 6) Use of 'good scripts' What defines a good script? Thats up to you lol, I'm not gonna say what not to use or what to use as Scripts are scripts lol therefore i'm not here to bash and say don't use USER X's chopper as I'm not perfect, nobody is.. Except @FrostBug ofc :P But seriously, don't just use anything you find like an open source as they're not 'entirely perfect' no offence.. However, just adding on if you know how to script, then make yourself a personal script! This is probably a very useful thing to do as only you will have the patterns of the script therefore comparing it to an sdn script for example many of the users who have that script will display similar interactions etc. EXAMPLES OF GOOD SCRIPTS: KHALEESI SCRIPTS STEALTH_QUESTER FROST_BARROWS FRUITY_NMZ ACERD SCRIPTS AND FINALLY CZAR_SCRIPTS (FUCK THE HATERS) Tip 7) Mirror or Stealth? I'd answer this long debated topic but I don't want to get banned No seriously, use what you think is necessary as I do think Mirror is much more ban proof than stealth and also buy vip to stop the shitty gold adverts from blocking script paint and chatbox #SupportOSBot Tip 8) How long should you bot for? hourly/daily/weekly/monthly Well this ultimately depends on what you bot and your levels etc. So there is no 'fixed answer' this basically depends on you as an individual as everyone's account is unique whether you accept this or not. All I can tell you about the hours of botting is as follows: Don't over do it but don't be scared; Basically bot for a period in which you think is suitable.. DONT OVER-DO IT THOUGH! (READ SUICIDE TIP) Tip 9) Private scripts Well im not here to ruin anyone's business but I think private scripts are useful to a certain extent as generally the scripter (depending on who you buy it from ofc) will put more effort in it as it's his job to do so. Therefore, my only tip for this would be to go to a respectable member Tip 10) Randomising Time and time again we see people say "omg i got fucking banned for auto alching from x magic to y magic level". Well that's maybe because you're doing the exact same thing for all that time lol? Try to randomise what you bot meaning bot magic for an hour than bot nmz for the next hour basically what i mean is don't do the same shit lol So basically to sum up: Bot wisely and don't risk an account that you know you will b mad if it gets banned as ultimately it's your choice; no one is compelling you to bot your max account. So bot only when necessary and if you can play legit, play legit you don't always have to bot lol Thanks have fun u fukkin ers Saiyan
  5. this is why u dont use any other client than OSBot m8 Bank holiday massacre 2016 never forgetttttttttt
  6. Saiyan

    oh god

    ur not hot tho so you make it oxymoronic jk :3
  7. show us a gif of it EDIT: right click it 'get info' and check what it says about it lol like does it say it's a java app? then after that close the get info interface and right click it again 'open with' and look for jar launcher. If it's not there, click other and search for it it should be somewhere on ur mac unless u deleted it
  8. message? why not go str8 in and meet
  9. I dont deal with btc im not leet enuff
  10. 1.2? sell me for the rate you got the gold @ fam i'll throw in a red x avatar pic
  11. ty fren i missd u ty Ayyyy
  12. Just did my sentence It was 'a day of purification' #JeSuisSaiyan
  13. I'm sorry Please could you tell me? Waitin for him to come in chatbox; Then im gonna swoop in and spam him
  14. How the fuck do i do it k thx
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