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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Saiyan

  1. Yeah there was a time I hated him but I forgave him since he apologised to me and we got on well after that You're a nice guy and all and I love you and respect you so if I could ask you as your top fan fren forgive him or have a neutral opinion about him :p pls ily jack Do u love me tho
  2. M8 indirectly this is me trying to ask mald for mod u should support me
  3. GOD No seriously he's a good admin Genii was a gr8 man I mean fine he had his shitty moments but at the end of the day he tried his best so we can't really hate on him I think Scotty should be the UK mod which immediately replaces him as Scotty is one of th best members in OSBot but shame he's blind and thinks Wales is good K maldesto ily pls send me som love back? http://puu.sh/pBOSW/e11a52bf96.jpg
  4. Corsair 200r? Or w/e it was called
  5. if i add you bby will u fix it noOOOooo u will forever stay on the list bcus ur memer scripter fren
  7. soon Wales in the next stage
  8. 2-1 tho no haircut can change defeat
  9. wat happen to u

    1. logic v2

      logic v2

      i know just as much as you do l0l im stil ltrying to figure out whats happened.

  10. Saiyan


    if @Alek or @Maldesto saw this you'd be buried 2 foot shallow because they aint got time to dig 6 feet deep
  11. I thought it became a loss though lol?
  12. 999m including ban, if you really want this pay me first so i have enuff time to escape joke fuk scammers i dont promote that shit but srsly, whoever u choose gl fren !
  13. Start off by saying hi i play runescape get all the women m8
  14. o ok I remember bcus we had a supply teacher for a year and all we did is watch movies and that's why half the class came out with fails on the year we actually did the exam when they finally decided to get a stable teacher lmfao 5 teachers in a year was top kek tho
  15. this was from that movie district 51 or 53 xd..no? it was a french movie or something lol
  16. most notiriously, checking wc exp has allowed me to make 3 maxed accs jk try random things eg for a power miner or fisher drop vertically move camera randomly?
  17. could you make me a bdk signature "Superb Blue Dragons"
  18. that afk person was me fuck i like causing grief 2 others
  19. doesn't seem to work (only shows red) lol
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