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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/01/15 in all areas

  1. Hey OSBot ! First off, Cheers to my 20th birthday! i'll be in the chatbox celebrating all around with anyone who wants to come. Also, it's been a really really amazing half year as a global moderator here at this wonderful community. I'm so glad I got to help the set of people that once helped me as well, and to this day many of you still do. I've made many close friends here. Some of you I would trust with things more than i would with my real life friends! Truth of the matter is, some personal things happened to me that I can't discuss at the moment, of which i have not fully recoverd from, also dragging my activity down. Way more than I expected. Not only that but the other amazing staff members here also keep this place amazingly clean and tidy leaving me with nothing to do Which i'm also very proud of them all see grow so much, @Noah, @Oliver. You guys totally stepped up and i'm so proud of you two. And everyone else on the team ! I really wish that I could have done more for you guys, but honestly, OSBot just doesn't need me anymore. I'll still be around time to time. I really enjoyed the ride with you guys. @Maldesto @Divinity @Dex @Nezz @Eliot @Alek @Mikasa & Thanks again to all the other amazing members of osbot for the amazing times! There are way too many of you for me to list but you know who you are ! But enough sap, it's still my birthday! Celebrate with me !
    6 points
  2. The scripter has put work in it. One minute? 5 minutes? 1 hour? 1 day? Doesn't matter : work is involved and it's their choice to charge money for it. If it seems like an easy script to you, go ahead and make it yourself and release it for free. I disagree and this is just my opinion. I'm not trying to be rude.
    3 points
  3. Thanks Botre. It worked!
    2 points
  4. The placement of the distortion could use a little bit of work, especially that on the top part looks somewhat off to me. Also, did you cut out the C4D rendering? Because some of the edges look a bit lq. The actual C4D render and the dripping effect look pretty good.
    2 points
  5. Happy birthday! Great work here on OSBot. Thank you!
    2 points
  6. I'm sure you'll be refunded, but for future reference, always cancel the subscription in PayPal.
    2 points
  7. by Czar Buy now (only $8.99!) 143 HOURS IN ONE GO!!!!! update: this bot is now featured on the front page of osbot! More reviews than every other fishing bot combined! 100 hour progress report!!! How to use Script Queue: ID is 552, and the parameters will be the profile name that you saved in setup! This process is really simple, just to save you headache
    1 point
  8. This tutorial will cover everything required to write your own OSBot scripts. Although it is quite lengthy, don't let this put you off - it shouldn't take more than a couple of hours to follow through, at the end of which you will have learned the scripting basics and will have your very own tea thieving script which you can modify to your liking. Good luck! Previous required knowledge: None Knowledge of basic java helps but is not required! What this guide covers: Downloading your code editor (IDE) Basic programming concepts A quick guide to java Writing a script with the OSBot API Running your script Downloading Eclipse: Setting up your project: Language basics: Java basics: Script backbone: Compiling the script: Writing the script: Best practices and conventions: Completed Tea thieving source code: That's the end of this tutorial, hopefully it was useful and concise enough. As I mentioned earlier, remember to ask LOTS OF QUESTIONS! Also remember that google is your friend! ? Although it may seem OSBot scripting is a niche use of java, many questions can translate to more widely adopted counterparts - use this to your advantage. If you have any questions do not hesitate to post as a reply below. Since I follow this thread, I will receive a notification if you do and will do my best to get back to you ASAP! - Apaec
    1 point
  9. >8 clues >super rare >ultimate iron man(not even being able to bank)
    1 point
  10. I see you bro i see u
    1 point
  11. Lol woow that's so fucking unlucky but fucking lucky @ the same time lmao.
    1 point
  12. it was rendered fine, i probs did something retarded in ps cause i was high as shit, everyones ripping on this bad quality >.> ill fix it later along with the background and sheit
    1 point
  13. Check for the specific interface and see if its open.
    1 point
  14. No offence but I don't think you are ready to write a tutorial island script.
    1 point
  15. It's added automatically Try refreshing your scripts (inside the client).
    1 point
  16. What you guys don't understand is that spinning flax is like cooking food. You animate for a sec then stop for two seconds. I'm not sure why it doesn't sleep for a whole minute. like I said use a timer it will help
    1 point
  17. Oh haha. Well you could always get a raspberry pi for 35 bucks. Many people use those for video streaming, they can stream hdmi output at decent rates I believe.
    1 point
  18. That's what I was thinking, but I also ran into a problem with "Too many logins from your adress." Or something like that. And now I've been running the script for 2.5 hours with no problems at all, seems to work flawlessly.
    1 point
  19. Happy birthday auna Sad to see you leave, though. Hope all of your personal issues work out and if you need anyone to talk with I'm here. :')
    1 point
  20. Happy Birthday, Thank you for helping the community and us out as a team!
    1 point
  21. Just use Hue/Saturation adjustment to make the colors a bit daker. Or a filter?
    1 point
  22. Buying RS07 Gold - 2.4$ per mils - [18M] add my skype : rs07ball
    1 point
  23. take your time. but know that this script would probably see a surge in usage if abyss was added. I would buy it forsure
    1 point
  24. I was making one which is almost done, dunno if I will finish and realease it. It also banks the hides.
    1 point
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