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[Stable Build] OSBot 2.3.88-90 - New Area API, Resizable Mode, Improved Inventory Handler


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New Area API:

This new Area class will be replacing (and eventually force the removal of) utility.Area, map.PolygonArea, and map.PositionPolygon. The benefit of having a single class versus multiple should be pretty apparent; versatility, mobility, and an easier API to understand. Many of the old constructors have been retained so all you have to do is change your imports. In addition, the new Area class supports plane checking and setting. The old area classes will be removed in early August, please start switching over if you are a scripter.


Resizable Mode:

No it's not Resizable Mode support, but a random event which will automatically configure your display settings to ensure that all botters are ready to bot.


Some notable patches include an equipment item container fix, interacting with inventory items that are already selected, and scripts executing during the login/welcome screens.



-Prevented scripts from executing during login/welcome screens; code cleaned (2.3.85)

-Added Equipment initialization to patch ammo/ring slots (2.3.85)

-Deprecated PolygonArea (2.3.86)

-Deprecated PositionPolygon (2.3.86)

-Deprecated utility.Area (2.3.86)

-Added map.Area class (2.3.86)

-AreaFilter new constructor; PolygonArea (2.3.87)
-AreaFilter new constructor; org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Area (2.3.87)
-EntityAPI new method public E closest(org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Area area, String... names) (2.3.87)
-EntityAPI new method public E closest(org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Area area, int... ids) (2.3.87)
-InteractionEvent improved inventory handler (2.3.87)
-org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Area(Position, Position) automatically sets plane (2.3.87)

-Deprecated public E closest(org.osbot.rs07.utility.Area area, String... names) (2.3.87)
-Deprecated public E closest(org.osbot.rs07.utility.Area area, int... ids) (2.3.87)
-Deprecated public E closest(PolygonArea polygonArea, String... names) (2.3.87)
-Deprecated public E closest(PolygonArea polygonArea, int... ids) (2.3.87)
-Deprecated org.osbot.rs07.api.map.PolygonArea (2.3.87)
-Deprecated org.osbot.rs07.utility.Area (2.3.87)

-Removed PolygonAreaFilter (2.3.88)
-OSBot Antiban not initialized by default (2.3.88)
-Added Resizable Mode random event (2.3.88)
-Finished replacing old area classes with map.Area throughout the API (2.3.88)

-Updated map.Area reverse compatibility (2.3.89)

-Updated ScriptExecutor pausing and CPU usage (2.3.90)

-Distribution of mouse destinations based on Kantorovich's linear programming (@Maldesto 2.3.90)



Enjoy your botting weekend.

-The OSBot Staff




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