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OSBot 2.3.28 - Entity Stack Patch


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Small update but should affect a majority of scripts (especially if looting is a core component).


2.3.28 Changelog:
-Added Entity method isOnScreen()
--Method checks if the entity is on the screen, disregarding actual visibility
-Updated InteractionEvent to check both types of visibility
--Patches various issues regarding stacked entities
I'm not sure how InteractionEvent and isOnScreen() will work with entities with large models that are both stacked and not visible, however I'll cross that road if we reach that point. 
Remember to submit client/API bug reports in the appropriate forum. Also please review the active bug list here.
-The OSBot Staff
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Small update but should affect a majority of scripts (especially if looting is a core component).


2.3.28 Changelog:
-Added Entity method isOnScreen()
--Method checks if the entity is on the screen, disregarding actual visibility
-Updated InteractionEvent to check both types of visibility
--Patches various issues regarding stacked entities
I'm not sure how InteractionEvent and isOnScreen() will work with entities with large models that are both stacked and not visible, however I'll cross that road if we reach that point. 
Remember to submit client/API bug reports in the appropriate forum. Also please review the active bug list here.
-The OSBot Staff


Do you have plans on renaming the methods from isVisible to isOnScreen or at least indicate which it does in the API if it doesn't say already?

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