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Introduction and 1k post celebration!


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Hello Osbot,

Today i hit 1k posts and i cannot believe what kind of journey i had on OSbot. This site has brought me so much joy in the past 5 months.I believe Osbot is very special, not for the scripts and the bot itself, which i personally enjoy myself, but for its community. The reason i chose this site over other bots is the community. This is a very special kind of place and i am so honored to have met everyone of you guys. You guys are like my second family to which i can retire to after a busy day to hang out and just talk. My 5 month trip here has been a very delightful one but has has some bumps. From becoming a co-owner in a service to being scammed. However throughout this i have stayed for the reason that i love the community.

Now for the introduction after almost 5 months. My real life name is Mitch or Mitchell and i live in New York in the USA. I used to lie in Brooklyn but moved to Long Island to a house and a better school district. Currently i am going to the 11th grade and am excited for it. i really enjoy sports and play for my schools team in both wrestling and American football. Also Jays are life but i can fuck with the other shoes as well.  In my free time i enjoy hanging out with my friends and playing video games on my PS4. I currently own a OK school laptop but am saving up for a PC because it is the master race. I dont bot as much anymore even though i own Sponsor but only have because it looks cool tongue.png .

there are certain people that have my stay on OSbot very much enjoyable and i want to thank those people. I might miss some people as i dont have a good memory for names a such.

@Zanhon - For bringing me in and allowing me to join your service and co own it later on

@Nezz - For just being a chill dude and a sexy mofo QwPha8E.png

@Jams - For also being sexy as hell and one of the nicest dudes ever

@Caam - Awesome bro who is nice as hell

@Dylan - Someone who a chill guy and talked to me sometimes

@Timekeeper - funny as hell guy who is finally buying me pizza


@Mikasa - Helped me out when i first got here and am grateful since

@Dex - Just started talking to him but is chill

@Acerd - Please dont bomb me

@Arctic - Nice person

@Epsilon - Always in the cb helping and happy to know him

@Maldesto - just because he is the almighty power

@Cinnamon - Was nice to me when i started in the cb

@RoomScape - For a while was a good person who helped me out with starting my own store

@lolmanden - Please dont steal my bike

@Swizzbeat - He is a good scripted and a nice person

@Eliot - Also makes great scripts and chill

@Gilgad - Sad to see him inactive and miss him

@Trustmybet - Good guy and helped me out time to time

@Smart - QwPha8E.png Smart and is funny

@Hoodie Allen - thanks for the scamquit bro

@Dashboard - Hooked me up with a week free of SSF which i didnt use but still nice

@adam k - My first FB QwPha8E.png

@Asuna - Miss her

@Etoke - Sold me rs3 gold for a while and im thankful

@Deffiliate - Real chill guy who hooked me up with some free trials, thanks

@BotRS123 - Helped him, help me with his script

@NotoriousPP - Love his scripts and is cool

@Scotty - Love his sigs and made me a great one for my birthday

- Love the sig i have right now thanks

@Bawz - Helped me out a whole bunch of times, sad to see him gone

@Divinity - Was always nice to me and the scripts are awesome




Edited by Proto
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