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OSBot 2.5.X - Development Version


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This version is intended for scripters/script writers to update their scripts prior to the stable release on Tuesday, 13 February 2018. Do NOT download this version if you are a botter.

Download Link: Click here

Please ensure you compile your scripts against this version, your scripts will most likely break on the Stable release date if you do not do this. The API Docs have been updated, please read them!


Complete overhaul of mouse/key listener system
-Fixes issue with "clicking with input disabled"
-Fixes StackOverflow with mouse wheel
Bot addMouseListener now accepts BotMouseListener instead of MouseListener
Added BotKeyListener
Added Bot addKeyListener(BotKeyListener)
Prevented adding listeners to WrappedCanvas
Updated BotMouseListener API docs

Updated client UI to look similar on both Nix/Windows
Fixed proxy list adding null host/port bug
Patched exception on creating local files first time
Patched error on first time webwalking download
Removed Combat getCombatLevel()
-Duplicate method, myPlayer().getCombatLevel()
Removed Mouse isWithinCanvas()
-Duplicate method, Mouse isOnScreen()
Removed ItemContainer getAmount(List<Item>)
-Doesnt match ItemContainer continuity, largely unused
Removed Skills hoverSkill()
-Relied on static interface id, used purely for antiban
Removed experience tracking from script executor
-Unused by scripts on the SDN
-Removed Bot getLastGainedXPTimeThreshold()
-Removed Bot setLastGainedXPTimeThreshold()
-Removed getTotalExperience()
Removed Widget getRectangle()
-Duplicate method, Widget getBounds()
Updated API Docs for Widget getPoint()
-Incorrectly stated that method returns null if not visible, returns (-1, -1)
Exhausted DPI aware resolution bug fixes
Fixed NPE in ScriptSelector
Various large code cleanups

More information to come shortly...

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  • Boge 1
  • Mald 2
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So with 2.5.0 we need to use  BotMouseListener, however the checkMouseEvent method does not seem to function in the live client version, though it does in 2.5.0. Using the live client version we also must implement the other methods associated with the listener. In 2.5.0 however these other methods throw errors and won't allow the script to start. This means that while we can update our scripts ahead of time to address this change they will break when 2.5.0 goes live because of the methods that must be implemented to run on the current live version.

Edited by Molly
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9 minutes ago, Molly said:

So with 2.5.0 we need to use  BotMouseListener, however the checkMouseEvent method does not seem to function in the live client version, though it does in 2.5.0. Using the live client version we also must implement the other methods associated with the listener. In 2.5.0 however these other methods throw errors and won't allow the script to start. This means that while we can update our scripts ahead of time to address this change they will break when 2.5.0 goes live because of the methods that must be implemented to run on the current live version.

Correct, you must wait until 2.5.0 becomes a stable release until you push the updates for it.

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