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46 minutes ago, Viston said:

As most of you people in chatbox already know that I recently got a job as a Web Developer. This job has had a huge negative impact on my life, but not sure if that is actually a negative impact, I'll go deeper into this. So basically, I've been working for around 3 weeks now, and I work for the husband's wife. She wants to open her own clothing line, and she doesn't have much experience about anything "Computing" related. So, I've got this job offered, I'm responsible of creating a fully functional e-commerce website from scratch, not using any drag & drop software/tools/websites.

Here are some things I would like to point out, and if someone that used to work or is working in a programming environment, can give me a little guidance if this is right or wrong.

Here is a little backstory of how a typical week is for me at the moment, excluding holidays. I'm a Uni student, going to university 3 times a week (Bunch of assignments needs to be done from home), I'm supposed to work part time, for £100 a week that's equivalent to $135. However, I work way more than the typical part time hours, I easily exceed 40-50 hours a week working on the site, which till this point, has got me into so much stress, that I would literally just get sick and have fevers on and off. I'm at the office 3 times a week, doing 12 hours each shift, from 11 am till 11:30 pm. Just these hours are more than normal part time hours in the UK. I would get home, and still think about work literally all the time, and whether I can meet this deadline and that.

I'm basically a lone wolf, I got till the end of January to have this website finished from scratch. I'm responsible for creating everything front-end and back-end by myself without any help. Keep in mind, I only know Html & Css, and some Javascript, literally 0 clue about PhP. 

  • First question I would like an answer to, am I supposed to do everything front-end and back-end purely by myself without any support from other developers? Is that normal in such an environment? I've always known that usually work like that is split between two or more developers, that expertise in different sections.
  • Should I just work the hours I'm supposed to work (According to the pay I'm getting).
  • Should I just let go?
  • Should I ask for more pay? If so, how much do you reckon?


My Boss, and her knowledge.

Past few days, I've had enough, and decided to bring this up with my female boss, and try and put some sense into her brain, before I end up in jail. So, I started to go through each and every step of creating a functional e-commerce website, and what needs to be done, and how long it'll take. I wrote a thousand word text on whatsapp, and she didn't respond. 3 days later (today), I receive a text from her, telling me that she needs the website done by late January. I was like :???: There is no way in hell I'll finish this shit by the end of January, I would at least need another 3 months to complete this. I'm alone, only supposed to work part time, and I study too. She was like "No... I want it done by late January, make time for it, I need it" I started to tell her about my circumstances and she still insists of it being finished by January.


Is this a normal environment, should I just take it to the chin and go along with it? Can a web developer with moderate experience be able to finish a fully functional website with products, images, order confirmations, tracking number, email template which carries the order confirmation which is sent to the customer after purchase, within a month?

I've come to the point, where I can't take any more bullshit from anyone.


I'm a web developer working on a e-commerce clothing website from scratch, no plugins and shits, exceeding 40-50 hours a week, for £100 a week or $135. Forced to do Back-end and Front-end purely by myself, and have until late January to completely finish the website.



Why the fuck are you working when your "main income" is from OSBot/Crypto... atleast online stuff.

I've finished my degree in Web Developing and yes it is normal to do this shit all by yourself if you join a shitty ass company whom nobody knows about.

Just quit the goddamn job and dont be a pussy. If you can't handle this, you shouldn't work there in the first place. Get back to being pizza boy.

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1 hour ago, Viston said:

I'm a Uni student, going to university 3 times a week (Bunch of assignments needs to be done from home), I'm supposed to work part time, for £100 a week that's equivalent to $135. However, I work way more than the typical part time hours, I easily exceed 40-50 hours a week working on the site, which till this point, has got me into so much stress, that I would literally just get sick and have fevers on and off.


Hello? That's not part time friend, and what is minimum wage where you live? You're not a 14 y/o mowing her lawn or babysitting her brats, this is criminal pay for the time and effort your putting in. Which clearly means there is nothing stopping you from quitting, so quit. That's even ignoring that you're supposed to be working with other developers and that there wasn't a deadline. Most importantly though, if it's causing you that much stress and you're getting sick because of it, then you absolutely need to quit. I hope everything goes well for you though.

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I think you've probably gone in the wrong direction. IF I were you I'll just focus on a secure wordpress installation with the necessary plugins, themes and I'll work on getting all the stuff needed for such a site and making it easy for them to maintain the products (user guides etc). Secondly you shouldn't be putting more hours than you should, it's not your problem.

Thirdly it's very reasonable to make your own ecommerce site but thats if you have platforms to use like wordpress, she is a startup and cannot afford proper development "obviously".


Edit: You've probably fucked yourself accepting this kinda job without talking to her properly about existing technology available and existing e-commerce sites that utilize these platforms. Put it up to experience :)

Edited by Jarland
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6 hours ago, Viston said:

not using any drag & drop software/tools/websites.

Your boss sounds like a retard. You can build an entire store using Shopify, Wordpress + an ecommerce plugin, etc. in a day with little to no coding experience. Why reinvent the wheel?

Also, don't worry about a lawsuit. You've probably made MAYBE a few hundred bucks, not worth anyones time to go collecting that. Additionally, from what you've stated, I see no evidence of foul play on your end.

Edited by Swizzbeat
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I hope she does not want you to create a CMS for adding new stuff to the website as well.

Either way in my experience it is better to drop a project you cannot handle, be honest and man up.

Other than that, if you decide to continue with it, it can be a good learning-school, not over-estimating yourself, understanding that clients usually do not know what they want is more than some simple code on a website.

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I've had the same problems before working as a back end administrator for 14 months...

Not worth, if you can't handle it you simply cannot handle it. There's nothing more you can do, and I'm sure they're not lenient enough to cut your hours or decrease/change your shift pattern.

Hand in your notice, there's more to life than draining yourself 24/7. Plenty of jobs out there efficient enough for your Uni schedule.

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