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[Community Poll] Official OSBot Scripts


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46 minutes ago, Aiban said:

This is fucking great @Alek, always thought we could use more quality free scripts.

Regarding time being taken away from development, why not give optional scripting assignments to S2, S3 they are good enough to write scripts that wouldn't break and active enough to maintain their ranks. (ik some went inactive but still :p)

All in all this is great stuff man, new scripters would have an official script to compete against or they would have to write unique stuff :D

The issue is not getting new scripts, its scripters who eventually leave whether it be in 3 months or 3 years. 

Also just to reiterate, it would be your basic resource scripts. Not a Zulrah script, Barrows script, Quest script, Minigame, script, etc.

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Another solution to this problem could be to only accept scripts with code that will not break, excluding major updates. Like you stated previously, do not accept scripts with static ID's or other things that will cause them to fail. 
It's not too difficult to make a script 100% not break, barring major updates (For example, when Jagex changed Zeah and broke Sand Crab scripts).
I've never once had to update any of my 4 SDN scripts as they have never broken. 


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2 hours ago, Alek said:

The issue is not getting new scripts, its scripters who eventually leave whether it be in 3 months or 3 years. 

Also just to reiterate, it would be your basic resource scripts. Not a Zulrah script, Barrows script, Quest script, Minigame, script, etc.

Now @Alek, could we pay extra *cough Cough donate money Cough cough* to get said Quest. Zulrah. minigame, scripts?

I think I had a C-Note or two in my throat... :kappa:

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sounds like a good idea but I personally dont really see a big issue when a scripter leaves after a long time and his script that works flawless and is coded decently eventually breaks due to big game updates. 

Most scripts are less than 10$ so people shouldnt expect the same support they would have if they buy a new car for 30k$.


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8 hours ago, Alek said:

Just doing a poll for the community to see if this is something everyone is interested in. What would you guys think about official OSBot SDN scripts? Essentially there would be basic SDN scripts such as a Fisher, Woodcutter, Miner, which would be fully supported by the development team.

1. Your script will always be there, you don't have to worry about the scripter leaving and your script breaking
2. Directly purchasing from our business instead of through a third-party

1. Scripters can sometimes be more agile and offer more features
2. Scripters are more likely to engage in free trials and other promotional offers

OSBot would only release a suite of basic scripts, specific scripts such as minigames, quests, gold farming, would still be left to scripters. Any competitive scripts to OSBot's official scripts would still be on the SDN, but we would carefully review any new competitive scripts.

But why?

It seems our customers are very unhappy purchasing scripts only to find out that the scripter has left the community and their purchases just vanished into thin air. This would give customers a certain amount of protection which cannot be given by the current system.

Please post your thoughts below.


You can't really avoid the scripter leaving, and their scripts breaking issue (unless you write them all yourselves of course).

I'm not sure that developing your own basic SDN scripts will make any difference, because it is probably more of an issue for niche scripts. I wouldn't have thought that the premium scripts that have been around for a while, especially the ones for basic resource collection are likely to break significantly in the future. Correct me if I am wrong however, as I haven't really been following them.

Could you maybe provide some examples of premium scripts with a reasonably large user base, in those categories, that were removed from the store?





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This is a great idea to stop people getting scammed by buying scripts off the SDN that are no longer working or updated or the scripter has left the community (but why would they still be on the SDN though)


However no support, unless they are free scripts. It would be unfair for scripters to have to compete with something that is an "OSBot Official" script which is basically just a paid script supporting another scripter (the dev team of OSBot / whoever wrote the script who is on the Dev team at OSBot). 


The dev team has the ability to make scripts. Just like you make scripts now @Alek. But I dont find it fair to the rest of the community to give the scripts you write official OSBot approval just to gain more income for the staff team. 


Long story short. If you want to make sure the SDN has updated scripts. Then verify the SDN scripts are being updated.

11 minutes ago, Explv said:

Could you maybe provide some examples of premium scripts with a reasonably large user base, in those categories, that were removed from the store?

Many of Extreme Scripts SDN scripts were removed, basically not fully working and obviously werent being updated. 

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23 minutes ago, Explv said:


You can't really avoid the scripter leaving, and their scripts breaking issue (unless you write them all yourselves of course).

I'm not sure that developing your own basic SDN scripts will make any difference, because it is probably more of an issue for niche scripts. I wouldn't have thought that the premium scripts that have been around for a while, especially the ones for basic resource collection are likely to break significantly in the future. Correct me if I am wrong however, as I haven't really been following them.

Could you maybe provide some examples of premium scripts with a reasonably large user base, in those categories, that were removed from the store?





Just off the top of my head, 5uck, Mrsdefnerd, Mysteryy, AT Team, Extreme Scripts, Dream Scripts, and Zappa (not the current Zappa). Those are just ones that I know had a bunch of scripts, there are lots of individual scripts that I forget the names of. 

Also sometimes we'll change the API around because of a fairly large game update. For instance we removed the worlds hook  and went strictly based on the world hopper. Sometimes there may be a big game update and the scripter will have to update their scripts regardless of the API. 

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7 minutes ago, k9thebeast said:

This is a great idea to stop people getting scammed by buying scripts off the SDN that are no longer working or updated or the scripter has left the community (but why would they still be on the SDN though)


However no support, unless they are free scripts. It would be unfair for scripters to have to compete with something that is an "OSBot Official" script which is basically just a paid script supporting another scripter (the dev team of OSBot / whoever wrote the script who is on the Dev team at OSBot). 


The dev team has the ability to make scripts. Just like you make scripts now @Alek. But I dont find it fair to the rest of the community to give the scripts you write official OSBot approval just to gain more income for the staff team. 


Long story short. If you want to make sure the SDN has updated scripts. Then verify the SDN scripts are being updated.

Many of Extreme Scripts SDN scripts were removed, basically not fully working and obviously werent being updated. 

You are incorrect on a lot of this.



Many of Extreme Scripts SDN scripts were removed, basically not fully working and obviously werent being updated.

His scripts are still on the SDN, but they are removed from the store so nobody else can purchase them. His current customers still have access.



Then verify the SDN scripts are being updated.

In a world of infinite time and resources I can babysit scripters more than I already have to.



However no support, unless they are free scripts

You are missing the point entirely of why official scripts would be introduced. The official scripts would be premium alternatives that guarantees your purchase will exist forever.


It would be unfair for scripters to have to compete with something that is an "OSBot Official" 

It's unfair to customers having to rebuy scripts over again. Once again, scripters would still have an advantage through features and being a bit more agile than us. I think I remember Czar had some map tool where you could literally select areas to go woodcutting, a feature we would probably never even consider in the official scripts.


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