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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. No idea, maybe @MGI or @Zach can tell
  2. Hey, Just a quick bugfix for the banking issue. Download: http://osbot.org/devbuilds/osbot 2.5.59.jar FIXES: - Fixed Bank#isOpen() returning false when not on the main tab. MISC: - Minor bug fixes. - The OSBot Team
  3. Check via id, not via name
  4. Contact the scripter to update their scripts
  5. It changed, it's a different widget
  6. Hey, This build fixes the new welcome screen. Thanks to @Gunman for lending a test account Also minor bug fixes. - The OSBot Team
  7. Changed something for the next release, should fix it.
  8. Hey, Just some more small changes before the next stable build. Download link: http://osbot.org/devbuilds/osbot 2.5.57.jar API CHANGES: - Added WebWalkEvent#getPositions() - Added Area(Rectangle) constructor FIXES: - Various performance improvements. - Lowered the wait time after a logout by the server. - Added more api documentation. WEB WALKER: - Added some Arceuus links. MISC: - Minor bug fixes. - The OSBot Team
  9. Waiting for @Zach to fix the client
  10. forgot to add the id to the getActiveWidgetsRoots() method
  11. Hey, Just a couple bug fixes. Download link: http://osbot.org/devbuilds/osbot 2.5.56.jar API CHANGES: - Added PathPreferenceProfile#setAllowSpiritTrees(boolean). FIXES: - Fixed GrandExchange#getOverallPrice(int). - Fixed issue with the root widget not loading. MISC: - Minor bug fixes. - The OSBot Team
  12. Hey, A lot of small changes with big impact this release. Download link: http://osbot.org/devbuilds/osbot 2.5.55.jar API CHANGES: - Inventory#getEmptySlotCount() has been deprecated. - Inventory#getItems() will now work without having the widget loaded. - Equipment#getItems() will now work without having the widget loaded. - Added Bot#getBreakCondition() and Bot#setBreakCondition(Callable<Boolean>). FIXES: - Fixed Bank#isOpen check. - Improved performance for widget methods. Speed and cpu/ram usage should be improved. - Widgets#interact(int, int, int, String) now works. - Fixed a couple item interaction issues. WEB WALKER: MISC: - Minor bug fixes. - The OSBot Team
  13. Correct. A more in-depth banking/teleport system is still in progress.
  14. Stash units aren't supported as there is no way to get the stash information with the current api. There are some impossible clues due to webwalker limitation like the clue at the waterfall. You can have the script either drop these clues or stop.
  15. Those classes don't exist anymore but it's still possible to use your own mouse movement code.
  16. Performance is similar between injection and mirror
  17. Fixed This is due to the webwalker not being able to get to there atm. A later version of osbot might have this fixed
  18. Hey, Just the start of some new features/fixes. Download link: http://osbot.org/devbuilds/osbot 2.5.54.jar API CHANGES: - Added Quests#isQuestsTabActive(), Quests#isAchievementsTabActive(), Quests#isMinigameTeleportActive() and Quests#isKourendFavorTabActive() - Updated quest list. FIXES: - Added some of the missing api documentation. More to come. - Small mouse movement improvements. Also a lot more to come. - Improved login handler and added support for the too many login attempts screen. MISC: - Minor bug fixes. - The OSBot Team
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