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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. No I disabled it for this release as it will likely be moved to stable once the mirror change is tested. If not I'll release a new dev build with the new mouse after the new stable.
  2. Hey, Here is a quick dev build in preperation for the next mirror mode release. Download link: http://osbot.org/devbuilds/osbot 2.5.79.jar API CHANGES: - Script#getRecommendedMirrorReactionTime and Script#getRecommendedMirrorFps have been added in preperation for the next mirror release. WEB WALKER: - Added some random webwalker links. MISC: - Minor bug fixes. - The OSBot Team
  3. Yes, although for some people it has issues with the current mirror mode version and the webwalker.
  4. Not exactly the mouse movement I was going for The way it moves and the speed is different
  5. Good to hear ^^ Hope you get an item soon. It's getting almost daily updates. If you'd like to submit a bug report, I need at least screenshots and the item id of the clue if it's having issues solving them.
  6. Once it's done, it will replace the old mouse
  7. Those would need to be added to the client. If you could give me the item ids and the actions to teleport and the location where you teleport to, I can add them.
  8. It's slower but it will later have the feature for scripters to change the speed
  9. Hey, This release is the same as .77 but has the new mouse movement. Feel free to post feedback about it. Download link: http://osbot.org/devbuilds/osbot 2.5.78.jar MISC: - Minor bug fixes. - The OSBot Team
  10. This. I don't have access to the MM code.
  11. The goal of the new mouse is to be more human like in an attempt to lower the banrate. Currently the new mouse is a bit slower, but the goal is to make the speed similar to an average rs player.
  12. Hey, This release disables the new mouse and uses the old version again. FIXES: - Reverted to the old mouse algorithm. MISC: - Minor bug fixes. - The OSBot Team
  13. It has the new mouse algorithm, forgot to turn it off. I'll release 2.5.77 soon with the old mouse algorithm again.
  14. Hey, Turns out there was still a small issue with the GE buying items only buying the first item. FIXES: -Fixed the GE buying items not working due to the new update. MISC: - Minor bug fixes. - The OSBot Team
  15. The screenshot shows a webwalker issue. This is client related and simply not something I can do anything about in the script. As for the other stuff. Are you sure mirror mode is using the low reaction time? I haven't heard about those issues before.
  16. Hey, This release is the same as .74 but has the new mouse movement. Feel free to post feedback about it. Download link: http://osbot.org/devbuilds/osbot 2.5.75.jar MISC: - Minor bug fixes. - The OSBot Team
  17. Hey, This release fixes buying items from the GE being broken due to the new game update. FIXES: -Fixed the GE buying items not working due to the new update. MISC: - Minor bug fixes. - The OSBot Team
  18. I average 4-5 easy clues per hour
  19. Hmmm interesting results. I wonder how much of an impact mouse movement makes, given these results. Wonder how it is on a larger scale.
  20. I'll add a way for scripters to speed up & slow down the mouse in the next release
  21. Changes already planned for the next release: more curve and more random speed
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