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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. We hope to be able to give scripters an early version within a couple of weeks, but no ETA yet
  2. Hey, This release fixed a webwalker crash from the previous release MISC: - Minor bug fixes. - The OSBot Team
  3. Hey, WEB WALKER: - Added some failsafes when teleportable path generation fails. BOT MANAGER: - A new account info popup will show when double clicking the username when the bot is running. MISC: - Added support for game revision 227 - Minor bug fixes. - The OSBot Team
  4. Enjoy It does Do you perhaps have a lot of ring of wealth (1) in the bank?
  5. Patrick

    Exco Puro Puro

    What should the script do for UIM when it should bank?
  6. Hey, Just some small fixes and new features this release. Download link: http://osbot.org/devbuilds/osbot 2.7.42.jar WEB WALKER: - Fixed some errors that might sometimes occur when using teleports. BOT MANAGER: - A new account info popup will show when double clicking the username when the bot is running. MISC: - Minor bug fixes. - The OSBot Team
  7. If it's a jagex account, be sure to also input the character name exactly (no whitespaces and the correct upper/lower case etc) so it knows which character to load
  8. You need to fill in the items and a name for the profile first Enjoy I'll see if I can add it to the webwalker Please post a bug report using the template on the first page so I can actually look into it
  9. Hey, A quick release for some issues caused by the latest game revision MISC: - Added support for revision 226 - Minor bug fixes. - The OSBot Team
  10. Please post a screenshot and the logger output for the werewolves task. I'll have another look at the looting issue.
  11. Hey, We've been hard at work on our future plans for the C++ client support. Thus, this release will only have a couple small fixes and webwalker changes. API CHANGES: - Added missing API methods in preparation for C++ client support. WEB WALKER: - Added support for the new Varlamore area. - Fixed and added new fairy rings. MISC: - Small stability improvements for the Jagex account support. - Minor bug fixes. - The OSBot Team
  12. I wouldn't recommend it. Maybe, but probably not the best idea
  13. Please post the required info for a report as shown in the first post
  14. Hey, A quick patch for the interaction issues from the previous release. MISC: - Minor bug fixes. - The OSBot Team
  15. Hey, This version adds support for the latest ingame changes to the Stealth client. Mirror Mode is currently being updated. WEB WALKER: - Added some random links. MISC: - Minor bug fixes. - The OSBot Team
  16. Hey, Given the upcoming changes, we wanted to provide some clarity on how things are looking. We are currently working on support for the C++ client. Our primary objective is to update the API in a way that allows all existing scripts to continue functioning with no to minimal changes. This is our best-case scenario. However, in the unlikely event that major changes are necessary, scripts may need to be reworked to work with the new API. We will be supporting scripters in adapting their scripts to these changes to assure the shortest amount of downtime. The hope is that we can have this completed before any major changes to the client go live. In the meantime, until the C++ client support is fully implemented, here is our plan as it currently stands: If the official Java client is discontinued, we will attempt to bring back mirror mode on RuneLite to ensure we have the least amount of downtime possible. If the official Java client (gamepack) remains available, there will be no changes and everything will continue to function as it currently does. Rest assured, OSBot will continue adapting to any changes in the game. We appreciate your support and patience as we work through these updates. - The OSBot Team
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