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Everything posted by Alek

  1. Alek

    OSBot 2.4.151

    Changelog: -Added PathPreferenceProfile setAllowCharters(boolean) -Added PathPreferenceProfile setAllowGliders(boolean) -Patched Chatbox API errors with clan chat -Added Chatbox API clan chat support -Modified web walking teleport code -Added 10 Web Walking links to support mining guild --Fixes issue with traversing through these default links -Web walker requires > 75% of region traversal to trigger teleports
  2. Don't handle doors if you are using web walking. Right now it looks like you're trying to web walk to the area first and then open the door? Since these are static areas and I'm sure you're not traversing the map, save 1-2GB of member and don't use web walking. If the door is in the same region as the bank (I sure as hell hope it is), then on the script start grab the door object. Create a WalkingEvent and set the break condition to if the door is closed. If the door is closed, WalkingEvent will break, then you can handle the door. Additionally: You aren't disposing your GUI, this is lost memory. Dispose of your GUI and keep your variables contained in the script (aka no more GUI.getArea). Also your script will break within a month with all those static ids.
  3. They've been doing this for years to destroy pures and specific account builds. Last time it was dying while autocasting on ancients, it would switch to a defensive stance (even if at duel arena). Not sure if they changed this.
  4. Need an account with 61 mining, PM me your login details and the time you will not be on. Set a bank pin and store everything in the bank, I'll be bringing your account to the mining guild. Will be used to patch a web walking issue identified here: Edit: Locked - it appears a member has an account ready for me. Thank you!
  5. Alek

    OSBot 2.4.149/150

    Adding new web walking links and recompiling the jar did not get you banned, there is no correlation whatsoever. Edit: Today is the second, first day back from the holidays. Accounts are automatically flagged and then manually reviewed for a final ban decision.
  6. Changelog: Added WebWalk Link - Falador stile cow patch Added WebWalk Link - McGrubor's Woods Added WebWalk Link - Port Sarim to Land's End Added WebWalk Link - Land's End to Port Sarim Patched WebWalk Link Ardougne sailing Patched bug with always interacting with BankMode widget Added Bank isBankModeEnabled(BankMode)
  7. I like the part where I got tagged for something that I don't manage.
  8. Alek

    OSBot 2.4.148

    Changelog: Improved Widgets closeOpenInterface() Added "Source Position" to WebWalkEvent -Can be used to route paths other than myPosition() -Can not be used to actually traverse a path, must be myPosition() Slightly sped up dialogue interactions in WebWalkEvent Slight precision changes to MoveMouseEvent Experimental web walking in Stronghold of Security Added slayer cave web walk link east of Shantay Added Lumbridge Swamp tinderbox warning to web walking Modified teleporting code (MGI) Added Buy 50 support to Store API Client displays currently using proxy in title Holiday theme added, will be removed mid-January
  9. I know 3 years was a very long time ago: https://www.cnet.com/news/netflix-reaches-streaming-traffic-agreement-with-comcast/ But there was a time when cable companies were actually slowing down their competitors until the government got involved and said that it was unfair; which I agree with.
  10. Doesn't support it unless you are already wearing it. It's a barebones script with lots of walking.
  11. Should be released today, just running extended tests and working on small convenience features.
  12. Video sped up, completes 5 tasks and grabs a 6th task.
  13. Both. I like C++ more than C#, but I use Unity anyways.
  14. I'm always skeptical of courses that have the word "game" in it. That class can either go two ways: 1. You're creating a game engine using C++ and 3d math 2. You're scripting on a game engine like Unreal with C++ A C++ only class is most likely some sort of algorithms class, traversing trees and that kind of stuff.
  15. Sounds like something you can do locally? Write a csv.
  16. As @liverare stated, keeping it simple is usually the preferred route. The more you abstract code (i.e. node systems) , the more processing power is required. Now on the flip-side, a large script like an AIO agility script with multiple training methods and courses would be very messy to maintain all code in your onLoop. As an example in @Septron's snippet: The two lines in red are a redundancy, which is very hard to avoid using a node script. This can be solved by something like: Item item = client.getInventory().getItem("Lobster"); if(item != null && item.getAmount() > 3) { item.interact("Drop"); } Although performance in this situation is VERY negligible, and may be entirely removed during the compiler optimization process, its still something to be mindful of. That's not to say node systems are bad, just understand that you must use the right tool for the right job.
  17. Is low level rushing still a thing?
  18. When the manual review is done, they'll look at your previous ban regardless and give you a perm, you won't get a 2 day.
  19. Alek

    Client Freezing

    This forum is for non-mirror mode specific issues only. Moving this thread to appropriate section.
  20. What the actual f***. Menu.getTooltip() or Menu.getMenu()[0]
  21. Please don't post in here, this is not a place to ask for scripts. Flax is 2gp, we're not allowing those scripts on the SDN. Perhaps try hiring a scripter to make a private script for this.
  22. Alek

    OSBot 2.4.147

    Please contact the script writer, this thread is intended for client stuff
  23. You have access to the bot context. By design scripters shouldn't use anything that's marked for internal use only. They should pass bot which derives everything for that instance. I don't even extend MethodProvider in our API, it just doesn't make sense from a design perspective - we pass MethodProvider or Bot. I'd encourage other scripters to do the same, but it's your code so do whatever you guys like!
  24. You didn't mention if the web walker started walking to the position or not, I'm assuming it did. Also prefetch is a boolean, check if it prefetches correctly before executing.
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